Daily Mail



LUKE DONALD: There must have been an audible a groan emanating from the Donald household ho when the rain started pounding down in Augusta on Tuesday night, making a long course even longer. But don’t rule out our favourite middleweig­ht (right) in the land of the heavy hitters. RORY MCILROY: With course conditions right up his alley, everything looks in place for another Rory-fest, but the opening round is so important. What he doesn’t want is a great one, so he’s the centre of attention from the start, or an average one, so he’s playing catch-up. Is it possible to order up a 70? LEE WESTWOOD: You can almost guarantee he will play as well as anyone from tee to green. But can he hole enough of those 6ft par-saving putts everyone is left with, or those 15ft birdies he will inevitably have? Can his vastly improved chipping game stand the ultimate test? Fingers crossed. TIGER WOODS: Finished fourth two years ago with no preparatio­n to speak of and fourth again last year when playing rubbish. No wonder the bookmakers are running scared. Enough doubts exist, however, to think this will be another close run thing rather than another green jacket.

PHIL MICKELSON: Cannot only match Donald in the short game department but hits the ball as far as Mcilroy off the tee, and has three green jackets already in his closet. The man to beat, then. Any UK player finishing ahead of the flamboyant leftie can dare to dream.

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