Daily Mail

Make-up map of UK

From fake tans to blusher, how a woman’s look can reveal where she is from

- By Rosie Taylor by Newspaperd­irect

LIVERPOOL ladies may be known for their love of fake tan – but few people know about the Geordie obsession with moisturise­r or the Welsh passion for blusher. Now research has revealed that women spend their money on different make-up products depending on where in the country they live.

For example, Edinburgh women buy 15 per cent more foundation than those from anywhere else. But in Cardiff they have a penchant for blusher, buying 51 per cent more than the national average.

Lip gloss is sought-after in Solihull in the West Midlands, with 20 per cent more sales there, and Manchester is the city of pampered talons, with demand for nail varnish 20 per cent above average.

In the nearby footballer’s wife territory of Cheadle, mascara sales are 7 per cent higher than average.

In Liverpool, sales of bronzing and self-tan products are 35 per cent up on the average, according to the sales figures from John Lewis.

Meanwhile in upmarket Chelsea, expensive facial serums are 21 per cent more popular than elsewhere. Women in London, Glasgow and Leeds are most likely to carry around with them a full make-up bag, including perfume and nail polish, separate research by Debenhams shows.

Carie Barkhuizen, a spokesman for the store, said: ‘ Customer research shows that women have in excess of £250 worth of cosmetics in their make-up bags, but the contents vary regionally.’

A study by Superdrug found women in Thurrock, Essex, wore the most false eyelashes, with Manchester coming second.

A spokesman said: ‘It’s fascinatin­g looking at the difference­s between best- sellers across the country. There are definite regional beauty trends.’

Alice Hart-davis, creator of goodthings­beauty.com, said: ‘If you’d asked me this last week, I would have been baffled by the extraordin­ary amount of self- tan and bronzing products that are being sold in Liverpool.

‘But having seen the pictures of racegoers at Aintree, you can see where it went – a heavily-bronzed look was de rigueur for Ladies Day.’ According to a survey of 2,000 women published today, more than 70 per cent feel happier after spending money on themselves – and 43 per cent get an even bigger buzz from picking up a bargain.

The biggest retail therapy fans are in Northern Ireland, where 92 per cent said they felt better after a shopping spree, according to the research commission­ed by LoveFashio­nsales.com.

Women from Yorkshire and Humberside were the least happy to part with their cash, with only 44 per cent cheered up by spending money on themselves. Top of the retail therapy shopping list was clothes, with handbags and shoes coming in second and third.

Tricia Woolfrey, life coach and author, said: ‘Treating yourself every now and then can be a great endorphin-boost – it’s both self-affirming and exciting.’

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