Daily Mail

BHA boss: safety has improved


PAUL BITTAR, chief executive of the BHA, has warned against a knee-jerk reaction to the death of Cheltenham Gold Cup winner Synchronis­ed and According to Pete.

Bittar said it was important that any further changes to the Grand National were based on sound evidence.

‘We are reasonably advanced in the process of examining the incidents which led to Synchronis­ed and According To Pete being put down,’ he said.

‘The evidence indicates that the changes and improvemen­ts in safety made over the years have led to an overall decrease in injury and fatalities, both on the Grand National course and racing in general.

‘It is important these matters be judged over a period of time. The decade since 2000 was the safest on record for the Grand National with a fatality rate of 1.5 per cent compared to 3.3 per cent at the start of the 1990s.

‘Sadly, there have been two fatalities in each of the last two runnings of the race. It represents a unique challenge for the sport.’

Some critics have attempted to link Synchronis­ed’s death with the fact that he unseated AP Mccoy before the race, claiming he should have been withdrawn. But the horse had only run free for a short distance and was examined by a racecourse vet before being allowed to run.

RSPCA equine consultant David Muir has highlighte­d concerns with the drop fences and 40-runner field but Ted Walsh, who trained Seabass to finish third under his daughter Katie, said: ‘I have great respect for the RSPCA and the work they do, but I think the genuine people should be looking at the bigger picture and how animals are being badly treated in their own homes.

‘ It’s very easy picking on the National, it’s an easy target, but the National is a great race. The BHA and the people who run racing should stand their ground.’

Jockey Noel Fehily has had an operation on the leg he broke when falling from State of Play.

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