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Since late January, Mars has given the impression of moving backwards through the zodiac. To an astronomer this is merely an optical illusion, but to an astrologer it’s a potent portent. Mars, the power planet, governs stamina, determinat­ion and ambition. When it is retrograde many people find aspects of their lives somehow lack direction and purpose. This weekend’s return to ‘direct motion’ has potentiall­y negative connotatio­ns, too. Some tensions and passions may grow stronger. But for all who have been plugging away at a project, seeing little success, there’s now a greater chance of progress.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 MARS is soon due to form a sharp angle of antagonism to Mercury. That is why you are feeling edgy and apprehensi­ve. Everything is happening at once. You have too much on your plate. You feel determined to achieve something, yet the harder you try the more remote your goal grows. It is as if you’re running up a down-escalator. When you apply maximum effort you just about manage to stand still. Yet you are determined to go on. Rightly so. You will yet succeed. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS FROM the germ of a

Apr 21 — May 21 small idea, a great empire can be built. From microscopi­c atoms, tremendous structures can be made. Indeed, the world is full of people busily making something out of nothing. Or, to be more precise, next to nothing. It is extremely feasible to make a little go a long way. It is much harder to do a lot with nothing at all. But even that is not impossible. What have you got now? Not much. What can you make of it? Plenty. How tough will that be? Tough, but not too tough.now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5602

GEMINI THE poet Rudyard May 22 — June 22 Kipling once said: ‘If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs . . . you’ll be a man, my son!’ Wits and wags have taken to twisting the verse. They say, ‘If you can keep your head, you probably haven’t understood the seriousnes­s of the situation!’ So, if you feel calm now, why is this? Is it because you are strong? Or can you see further than most seem able to see? Actually, it is both. Trust your highest, clearest, vision. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER WE MUST always June 23 — July 23 try to think things through from every possible perspectiv­e. We owe it to ourselves to use our intelligen­ce and acquire all relevant informatio­n. We must remember, though, the purpose of a future is to surprise us. If existence didn’t retain, under all circumstan­ces, its capacity to do that, what would be the point of it? You can’t, now, see quite how to climb a particular mountain or move a certain obstacle. Just because you can’t yet see a solution doesn’t

mean you won’t soon. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO THINK of how much we July 24 — Aug 23 worry about money. We shop around and think carefully about our best options. What a pity we are not so prudent about wasting time. Think of all those hours spent in unnecessar­y angst or tension. These are far more precious than any financial assets. Because, in the end, money comes, goes, and comes again. Whereas we all have only a limited number of hours. Resolve, this week, to honour the priority that matters. The rest will take care of itself. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5605. NOBODY wants to visit

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 an unfair funfair. We want rides that are safe and risks that are reasonable. We quite like it when things appear dangerous — but, ultimately, we need to know we are safe. You feel as if you have recently misjudged a situation. You thought you were taking on a feasible challenge, now it feels you are being asked to do the impossible. Mars has just changed direction. Your journey may seem daunting, but the twists and turns are being exaggerate­d for dramatic effect. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5606.


WHY are Librans so Sep 24 — Oct 23

rarely content to take things at face value? Why must they probe and pry, quiz and question, faff and fiddle? Because people born under your sign know that little in life is straightfo­rward. The deeper you dig, the more likely you are to unearth a true treasure. You could have a much easier life if you were to subscribe to the superficia­l view of a complex situation. But in the long run, if you were to do this, your experience would be a lot less rewarding. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO AROMATHERA­PISTS

Oct 24 — Nov 22 say the olfactory organs are woefully misunderst­ood by modern medicine. Our more subtle powers of detection can bring far more than a temporary sense of attraction or repulsion. Simply by imbibing the right aromas, they believe, you can alleviate a host of symptoms. Your nostrils are tingling now — something, somehow, smells wrong to you. Don’t just disguise all this by choosing to inhale a more pleasant perfume. Trust what your nose is telling you. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 THEY say

that tomorrow never comes. That may be so, but nor does it ever go. Tomorrow is always there, beckoning us forward or causing us to shrink back in dismay. They say we should live for today. We should. If we relish today, if we celebrate every second of the here and now, we need never fear tomorrow, nor need it ever have the power to disappoint us. Every today that you are due to enjoy this week looks set to be truly precious. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 — Jan 20 the best possible moment? When will you have the perfect opportunit­y? When will you know without doubt, you are doing the right thing for the right reason in the right way? Never! If you ever do feel such confidence, you should mistrust it. It is probably born of euphoria, not wisdom. With every propositio­n there will always be an argument for and against. Always, there will be that element of risk. But this week’s brave choice is one that is well worth making. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19 you can be too clever for your own good. You ask questions that don’t need to be asked. You see options that don’t need to be identified. You complicate issues best kept simple. Am I suggesting this is what you are now doing? I would never dare be so critical. But I can see you don’t want to be told what to do this week. Not by me or anyone else. So if you must follow your own judgment, make sure you keep it clear and acknowledg­e the obvious. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 IF YOU get it wrong, who knows what will happen. It’s a sensitive situation. You feel that your judgment must be impeccable and your timing perfect. One false move and it’s all blown. Happy with that? Probably you are. And if ever the world had to put anyone in such a position, you’d be the best bet. You have an impressive combinatio­n of intellect and intuition to draw on. But you’ve also got a tendency to take too many worries on your shoulders. All is not as loaded as it seems to be this week. Now, please keep reading. I’ve just recorded your new, four-minute forecast. I want to tell you how you can change your week . . . and your life! Call 0906 751 5612.

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