Daily Mail

Foreign doctors who can’t speak proper English to be struck off

NHS will have to check language skills

- By James Chapman Political Editor

‘We need to bring back common sense’

DOCTORS will be struck off if they cannot speak proper English amid fears that patients’ lives are being put at risk, the Health Secretary will say today.

Hospitals and GPS’ surgeries will also be legally obliged to make sure foreign medics have a proper grasp of the language and the way the NHS works.

Around 500 doctors, most holding senior posts such as medical director, will be charged with policing the new language rules.

Andrew Lansley plans to change the rules so doctors found to fall short of the required standards can be permanentl­y barred from practising in this country.

Under the existing system, as many as 23,000 doctors from Europe have registered to work in the NHS despite never having been asked if they can speak English properly.

To comply with EU freedom-of-movement requiremen­ts, continenta­l doctors and nurses are allowed to work without any formal NHS training.

They can be struck off only if they are found to have harmed patients. MPS and peers have warned that the scandal has compromise­d patient safety, with particular concern about the increasing use of foreign doctors to provide out-ofhours services.

In one notorious case, pensioner David Gray died after out-of-hours locum Dr Daniel Ubani gave him up to 20 times the recommende­d amount of diamorphin­e to treat pain in his kidneys.

The German doctor had failed an English test for one primary care trust, so simply applied to work at another.

Mr Lansley said that from next year, foreign doctors will have to prove they can speak English before they can practise in this country.

He also intends to change the law to allow the General Medical Council to strike off any doctor found to have a poor grasp of the language, rather than having to wait for them to cause harm.

‘That is not good enough and it has to change,’ said Mr Lansley. ‘We must be able to take action to protect patients if there are genuine concerns, rather than just hoping for the best.

‘If a doctor can’t speak proper English, they won’t be able to communicat­e effectivel­y with their patients. It can also lead to situations where doctors put patients’ safety at risk.

‘We need to bring some common sense back and ensure that, if a doctor is judged not to have the language skills to be able to work properly or safely in the NHS, they can be suspended or removed from the register.’

The GMC registers thousands of doctors each year from all over the world. Those from outside the EU have to take rigorous language tests. However, European laws make it illegal to systematic­ally test EU doctors when they register. Brussels claims this would conflict with the European principle of the free movement of people. As a result, doctors from Englishspe­aking countries such as Australia and Canada face tougher language tests than those from Germany or Lithuania.

The Government says it will get round the EU rules by introducin­g a requiremen­t for language tests at a local level, with ‘responsibl­e officers’ – senior medics in every NHS organisati­on – taking charge.

They will be given extra powers and put under a legal duty to test English skills and understand­ing of NHS procedures and medicines. Any that fail in their duty will be struck off themselves.

Niall Dickson, chief executive of the GMC, said: ‘This is a vital issue for patients.

‘They must be able to have confidence that the doctor who treats them has the communicat­ion skills needed for the job.

‘These proposals . . . will mean patients receive the assurances they need about the doctors who treat them.’

AS this paper has argued for years, it is a matter of life and death that doctors should be able to understand their patients, and vice-versa. So the Mail warmly welcomes the Health Secretary’s promise that from next year, European doctors will have to prove they can speak English before being allowed to practise in Britain. Just two questions. Why have we waited so long for this elementary precaution? And after so many similar pledges from Andrew Lansley’s predecesso­rs, will something actually happen this time?

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