Daily Mail

Why the euro will break up within a year

- Andrew Alexander www.dailymail.co.uk/andrewalex­ander andrew.alexander@dailymail.co.uk

WE ARE heading into a year of political crisis — and not the sort of mini- crises which seem to accompany David Cameron wherever he goes, or the series of humiliatin­g U-turns which have sapped this Government’s reputation for competence.

We now face something with a bigger fallout — the collapse of the eurozone within the next 12 months — which will, in turn, raise massive problems about membership of the European Union itself.

Last summer, in a TV interview by David Frost, I said Greece would default within 12 months — a daring claim at the time. Now I predict that the eurozone will split up in the next 12 months.

According to the novelist George Eliot, prophecy is the most gratuitous form of error. But some of us have to do it.

It is not too difficult in this case, since the days of the eurozone can now be numbered by algebra if not arithmetic.

The known figures for debt and borrowing speak for themselves. The most intriguing unknowns are the outcome of the French and Greek elections and the shifting mood of the Germans.

Spain is not one of the unknown quantities — except it would seem so to its own prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, who dreams that all will be well.

This is despite missing his eurozone targets and his government’s borrowing costs hovering at round the six per cent crisis level.

He dismisses the fact that his economy has missed the targets for its budget deficit: ‘To talk about a bailout for Spain is nonsense’; ‘Spain is not going to be rescued’; ‘It is not possible to rescue Spain; there is no intention to do.’

These add up to a formidable denial — from a country with the worst unemployme­nt rate in Europe, too.

What will he — or perhaps his political rivals — say as an inevitable attempt at rescue is staged by the rest of the eurozone leaders and the European Central Bank?

THE latter has been printing money to lend to the commercial banks in a way that casts doubt on the soundness of the ECB’S own finances. The Germans get the point, even if other countries do not.

As and when the eurozone begins its disintegra­tion, every EU government and parliament will have to reconsider its own position.

In the 40 years or so since we joined and openly encouraged other nations, the EU has become a high-cost, socialist welfare state.

It is the reason why its finances have got into such an appalling mess. Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy have all been to the fore of regulation­s supposed to ‘safeguard’ employment and other ‘benefits’. In Brussels, the union’s civil servants devise regulation­s without number to make everything across the EU as similar as possible.

This has had the effect of imposing layer upon layer of bureaucrac­y in member states to equalise employment rights and regulation.

The British response has been pathetic, with Parliament’s so-called European Scrutiny Committee rubber-stamping the new rules from Brussels, without even bothering to read through them.

The fall of the eurozone will mean that the central plan to bring about political unificatio­n fails.

Countries which were supposed to converge because of the single currency have been pushed further apart. In economic terms, this is obvious. A new gap has opened up between the northern and the southern nations.

To say that Brussels must pour forth yet more regulation­s as binding on Greece as Germany is to embark upon farce.

To attempt to do so will only stimulate the growth of anti-eu factions and parties in the member states.

NEW treaties will be necessary to take account of the eurozone failure. It is about the nearest we can ask for in the form of a blank slate; and the two most important nations who will decide what fills it are Britain and Germany.

Us, because we have avoided the euro, and Germany because it is so large and economical­ly successful.

France, normally in the lead on the developmen­t of Europe, has become politicall­y weaker.

And if the Socialist Francois Hollande wins the forthcomin­g election, a new EU treaty is part of his platform.

Meanwhile, in the Commons the Tory Euroscepti­cs are very strong. Cameron himself is euro-agnostic and may be relied on to play an opportunis­tic role.

He will be up against the Lib Dems’ Europhiles.

But it could well be that they will suffer badly in the local elections (so the opinion polls suggest) and cease to be of importance.

As for negotiatio­ns in a changed EU, Britain has the simplest of strategies to pursue.

First, we want our fishing rights back. There will be vigorous protests, but we can then say: ‘Sorry, no repatriati­on of our fishing rights, and everything else will be vetoed by Britain.’

And then there is the Common Agricultur­al Policy, which is still doing its damage.

That must be massively revised because it seriously erodes the average householde­r’s standard of living.

Both such changes would be of serious economic value to Britain — and would not even face the likelihood of being subject to the U-turns so fashionabl­e of late.

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