Daily Mail

Ephraim Hardcastle

- E-mail: ephraim.hardcastle@dailymail.co.uk

FORMER Tory premier Sir Edward Heath, who died aged 89 in 2005, is to be honoured with a memorial stone at Westminste­r Abbey. The PM who took us into Europe, Sir Ted said it would involve no loss of sovereignt­y. In time we discovered otherwise. The Campaign for an Independen­t Britain is urging supporters to protest to the Dean of Westminste­r, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, and to the Queen, about the memorial stone, calling it ‘a grossly undeserved monument to someone who many regard as the greatest traitor’. SLEEK as a performing seal, Tony Blair was interviewe­d about philanthro­py by Newsnight’s Jeremy Paxman, projecting a twinkling, generous- to- all, elder statesman persona. A pity Paxman didn’t derail smiling Blair by asking about his philanthro­py, fortune and tax affairs. DOWNTON Abbey’s Brendan Coyle, 48 – he plays troubled valet John Bates – announces that his private life is now off limits, saying: ‘I’m never going to talk about relationsh­ip issues again. Ever. All this “looking for love” nonsense was a bit of a pain to be honest.’ Surely Coyle’s love life is not as traumatic as that of his Downton Abbey alter ego, jailed after being convicted of murdering his blackmaili­ng first wife, Vera. EWAN Mcgregor. pictured, promoted his new comedy film, Salmon Fishing In The Yemen, on Graham Norton’s BBC1 chat show, talking about the ‘ many, many, many women’ he has enjoyed. Friends at Unicef – he’s an ambassador – might be disappoint­ed he failed to mention child poverty in the Yemen, where, they say, 750,000 children under five are undernouri­shed. ANDREW Knight, 72, who became a multimilli­onaire by helping Conrad Black obtain control of the Conservati­ve-supporting Daily Telegraph, wrote to his old paper savaging Chancellor George Osborne, comparing him unfavourab­ly with Labour’s Denis Healey, Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling, as well as Tories Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson. Country gent Knight has the reputation of being a shadowy, behind-the-scenes operator. Fittingly his village is called Compton Scorpion. BRAD Pitt has spent $250,000 (£157,000) and a whole year designing an engagement ring for his pouting, pulchritud­inous partner, Angelina Jolie, who has been married twice. He then supervised the placement of precious stones. Already one of the world’s most-desired-by-women men, is Brad overdoing the lovey-dovey stuff? HAVING orchestrat­ed official scrutiny of News Internatio­nal phone-hacking, Labour MP Tom Watson is now publishing a book about it, Dial M For Murdoch – a play on the title of a famous 1954 Alfred Hitchcock movie, Dial M For Murder. So far as I know, the phone-hacking brouhaha hasn’t come to that yet. SPAIN’S King Juan Carlos, 74, has annoyed 96 per cent of his subjects by shooting elephants (at £27,000 a time) in Africa, where he fell and broke his hip at his hunting lodge. They’re calling for him to apologise. Spaniards are far from being unanimousl­y in favour of the king, whose reign began in 1975, two days after the death of dictator General Francisco Franco.

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