Daily Mail



I FOUND an old Co-operative Permanent Building Society passbook when clearing out a box of my mother’s things in the loft. How do I get in touch?

L.R. Sleaford, Lincs. CONTACT Nationwide Building Society. The co- op Permanent became the Nationwide in 1970. I AM about to draw a pension I have saved with Royal London. They do not offer annuities, but use Prudential. The Pru says my fund is worth £25,927 and offered me an annuity of £1,160 a year. But if I go elsewhere for my annuity, my pension pot will fall by £777 to £25,150. Why?

C.M., via email. ROYAL LONDON says your pension pot is worth £25,149. The missing £777 is not commission, but a bonus given to customers who choose to use the Pru.

Even so, you should still shop around to see if you can get a better annuity rate. I READ in Money Mail that all homes will be fitted with one of those digital smart meters by 2019. Do I have to have one?

J.S., via email. NO. YOU can refuse to accept a smart meter and suppliers will not be able to force their way into your homes. I AM looking to put money away for my grandchild­ren. What is the Junior Cash Isa limit for this tax year?

E.B., via email. IT’S £3,600. The top accounts include coventry BS and Nationwide at 3.25 pc. WHY do some banks and building societies refuse to let you transfer your cash Isa money into their accounts?

E.D., Luton, Beds. THE Isa rules say it is up to individual banks as to whether they allow you to move your money into their accounts. They tend to restrict their top- paying accounts to new Isa money only so they don’t have to pay high rates on big balances.

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