Daily Mail



IDON’T think Spain will need any kind of external support. Spain is on track.’ So said Luxembourg Prime Minister and leading eurocrat JeanClaude Juncker yesterday. But the attempted vote of confidence may turn out to be a kiss of death.

Juncker, who is chairman of the so- called Euro Group of ministers that oversees the single currency, has struck before – notably claiming that Greece, Ireland and Portugal did not require bailouts just months, or even days, before rescue packages were agreed.

German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble was also at it yesterday, insisting that Spain will not need a bailout at the same time as conceding that Madrid must win back the confidence of the febrile markets.

‘Spain is delivering,’ he said. ‘ Italy has delivered. Other countries have delivered. Of course, there will be cause for markets to react nervously every now and again.

‘The nervousnes­s will be here for some time. You don’t win back trust overnight.’

That such senior eurozone officials have come out in support of Spain shows just how much trouble the country is in.

It is feared that rescuing Spain – the fourth biggest economy in the eurozone and fifth largest in Europe – could prove to be too expensive.

Markets analyst Louise Cooper, at BGC Partners, said Spain was ‘almost, not quite, but almost too big’ for a bailout.

Although Spain’s debt levels are lower than in much of Europe – at just over 70pc of GDP against 120pc in Italy and 200pc in Greece – it has to borrow vast sums to pick up the bill for soaring unemployme­nt and collapsing tax revenues.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy last week called for European leaders to stop blaming Spain for the current turmoil on the financial markets.

‘We’ve all got problems,’ he said. ‘ We expect others to be cautious in what they say. We all have a great responsibi­lity. We want a strong Europe and a strong euro.’

Rajoy did not name Italian leader Mario Monti or French President Nicolas Sarkozy – but that is where his ire was directed. Monti recently blamed Madrid for the sudden rise in both Spanish and Italian bond yields. Sarkozy has used Spain as an example of left wing mismanagem­ent in a bid to discredit his Socialist rival for the THE IMF yesterday blasted the ‘schizophre­nic’ financial markets for demanding austerity in Europe – but then punishing countries if it results in weak growth.

In its World Economic Outlook, the Washington-based watchdog said government­s need to strike a balance between stimulatin­g growth and tackling debts and deficits.

But chief economist Olivier Blanchard said: ‘Markets appear somewhat schizophre­nic – they ask for fiscal consolidat­ion but react badly when consolidat­ion leads to lower growth.’

He also warned that the US and Japan have not yet done enough to show they are committed to restoring their public finances to health. French presidency, Francois Hollande.

The storm clouds hanging over Spain darkened further yesterday after its borrowing costs spiked at an auction of short-term debt.

Madrid managed to offload all of the 12 and 18-month bonds – but at interest rates nearly twice as high as last month.

The rate for 12-month bonds jumped from 1.4pc to 2.6pc and the 18-month debt was up from 1.7pc to 3.1pc.

It did not bode well for the crucial 10-year bond auction tomorrow.

The yield on Spain’s 10-year bonds rose above 6pc this week for the first time this year – putting it close to the 7pc level that triggered bailouts in other troubled eurozone countries. In Germany, the eurozone’s strongest economy, borrowing costs are under 2pc.

Investors are worried Spain’s banks are dependent on emergency loans from the European Central Bank.

There are also concerns that Spain will not be able to cut its deficit as planned as the economy returns to recession and unemployme­nt soars.

In its World Economic Outlook, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund predicted a bruising 1.8pc decline in Spanish output this year followed by growth of just 0.1pc in 2013.

It also said Spain would miss its budget targets this year and next, with the deficit coming in at 6pc of GDP instead of 5.3pc in 2012 and 5.7pc instead of 3pc in 2013. Italy is also expected to miss its targets.

Spain is suffering from a deep economic slump following a spectacula­r crash in its property market and unemployme­nt is the highest in Europe.

The government is battling to cut the crippling deficit – from 8.5pc last year – and has embarked on one of the toughest austerity programmes in Europe including £23bn of cuts this year.

But the strait-jacket of the single currency prevents Spain from devaluing its way to greater competitiv­eness – a problem that has built up over a decade in the euro.

Goldman Sachs reckons that to tackle its lack of competitiv­eness, Spain needs the equivalent of a 20pc devaluatio­n.

Stuck in the euro, this means a long and painful period of falling prices and wages.

Juncker and other leading eurocrats may be confident that Spain can weather the storm.

But the IMF no longer is and has for the first time accepted the prospect of the euro breaking up – a move it says would trigger ‘ full- blown panic in financial markets’ and ‘major political shocks that could aggravate economic stress to levels well above those after the Lehman collapse’.

The euro crisis just stepped up a gear.

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