Daily Mail



PoiGnAnT and hilarious in equal measure, Prime Time is stuffed full of likeable, realistic characters you can’t fail to care about — and it’s brilliantl­y written.

Laura meredith finds it difficult to keep her emotions under control at the best of times, but since her husband, Daniel, abandoned her for the skinnier, younger and more glamorous Emily, she feels fat, old and unkempt and seems to be suffering from non-stop PmT.

She is worried about her son, Stanley, who is unhappy at school, worried about work and money, and worried that at 40 she’s over the hill and destined to spend the rest of her life alone.

Chuck into the mix her concerns about her best friend Charlotte’s previously rock-solid marriage and it’s fair to say Laura is in a pretty dark place. That is, until she is persuaded onto daytime television and catches the eye of a sexy producer, Cal.

Soon, a camera crew is following her every move as she embarks on a thrilling journey of self-improvemen­t designed to hold back the years. But while the filming takes over her fantasy life, her real one is imploding — and just how sincere is Cal anyway?

it’s a pleasure to read about feisty, funny women with a fondness for pinot grigio and a few cigarettes — the sort of women you’d want to be friends with and will certainly be rooting for as they negotiate the indignitie­s of the ageing process.

Prime Time is thoughtful, insightful and often laugh-out-loud funny. i raced through it and thoroughly enjoyed myself in the process.

 ??  ?? by Jane Wenham-Jones
(Accent Press £7.99 % £7.49)
by Jane Wenham-Jones (Accent Press £7.99 % £7.49)

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