Daily Mail

From Muslim extremist to Taking tea at Number 10



OF THE many dangerous social trends taking place in Britain, few can be more disturbing than the rise of Islamist extremism, with home- grown British Muslims planning to — and in the case of 7/7 succeeding in — blowing us up.

As disturbing as it is absurd, the members of this movement wish to see their interpreta­tion of Islamic law adopted in Britain.

Maajid Nawaz knows their narrative better than most. Born and brought up in Southend, as a teenager he was regularly a victim of ‘Paki-bashing’.

One day, he and a group of his Asian friends were hounded down by skinheads from the extreme-Right group Combat 18, wielding pickaxes. Tensions ran high, broken by Nawaz’s elder brother asking the leader of the racist gang for a private word. The skinhead called his thugs off.

Nawaz’s brother, it turned out, had told him they were all Muslims and were carrying bombs in their rucksacks.

As they did not fear death, they would detonate them if a fight took place. It was, of course, a lie, but such is the perception of Muslims that the gang believed him.

And so began Maajid’s harrowing, roller-coaster ride into and out of radicalism, ending 13 years later in his co-founding the counter-extremism think-tank Quilliam, grippingly captured in his new book, Radical.

Having grown up myself in the most liberal of Muslim households, I was curious as to how British-born citizens could use the state system of education, health, social security and housing and yet wish to bite so violently the hand that fed them.

Nawaz describes in vivid detail how he joined the Islamist group

Hizb al-Tahrir (The Liberation Party) when studying at Newham College in East London with fellow extremist Ed Husain, and how they took control of the college and converted most of the Muslim students on campus to their ugly and violent cause.

His radicalism was triggered by the racial intolerenc­e he had encountere­d when younger and had little to do with religion — Nawaz had yet to read The Koran.

Empowered by the group’s world view, which saw the Gulf War, the interventi­on in Afghanista­n, the publicatio­n of The Satanic Verses and all other perceived attacks on Muslims as part of a war between the West and Islam, Nawaz rose through the ranks of Hizb al-Tahrir.

His leadership skills and eloquence marked him out for rapid promotion, persuading young, vulnerable Muslims not just to share his deeply unpleasant views, but actively recruiting them to military camps around the world.

On his foreign travels, he landed in Egypt — ironically the day before 9/11 — on a mission to convert and recruit, and soon found himself in jail as a political prisoner.

He luridly describes the sickening conditions under which prisoners were tortured and beaten, and it was here, amid the stench and squalor, that he realised just how wrong and dangerous his beliefs and actions were, and renounced both them and the Hizb alTahrir that had corrupted his and so many thousands of others’ minds.

Amnesty Internatio­nal took up his case as a Prisoner of Conscience and successful­ly campaigned for his release.

Returning to England, he met again his college friend Ed Husain who had also renounced his Islamist past and was actively campaignin­g for democracy and pluralism. Together they set up Quilliam.

For a few Muslims, Nawaz’s counter-extremism work highlights him at worst as an enemy or traitor and at best as a conveyor of truths they would prefer to remain hidden.

From his roots as an Essex street-urchin, he now briefs U.S. Presidents and successive British Prime Ministers on how best to combat extremism and make all our lives safer — and he’s still only 34 years old.

His book gives us a rare insight into how a thoroughly westernise­d teenager can so violently turn against his country — as well as a flavour of the immense courage he needed to overcome his past.

IQBAL WAHHAB was Chair of Quilliam between 2010 and 2012.

 ??  ?? Face of radicalism: A Palestinia­n fighter in the Gaza Strip
Face of radicalism: A Palestinia­n fighter in the Gaza Strip

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