Daily Mail


(Bloomsbury Circus £12.99 % £10.99)

- BY Liz Jensen

ASPERGER’S-AFFLiCTED protagonis­ts are surely nearing their sell-by- dates but there’s nothing jaded about this psycho/eco thriller, in spite of its socially-challenged star.

Hesketh Lock is an anthropolo­gist whose condition comes in handy when coolly analysing the human race. But even rationalis­t Hesketh is rattled by a global outbreak of industrial sabotage and employee suicides.

These are nothing, however, compared to another new and appalling pandemic: that of young children slaying their parents with everything from knives to nail-guns.

Fiction tends to lag far behind real-world events, but Liz Jensen here references everything from the popularity of Swedish crime fiction to the worldwide death of honeybees and (crucially) the paradigmsh­ifting experiment­s of physicists at CERn’s Hadron Collider.

it’s in part this that makes her eighth novel so compelling and, unlike some tales of approachin­g apocalypse, hers positively races with ideas.

As Hesketh begins to understand how these two bizarre new phenomena might be linked, he finds himself forced to imagine the impossible — but what will become of his beloved seven-year- old son, the only person with whom hermit Hesketh truly longs to connect?

Expertly paced, combining moments of chilling horror with deadpan comedy, this audacious novel is utterly gripping.

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