Daily Mail

Rapists using human rights law to live here

- By Home Affairs Correspond­ent

MORE than 250 foreign criminals including killers, paedophile­s, rapists and a terrorist were allowed to stay in the country last year on human rights grounds without Government lawyers challengin­g their cases in court.

Their applicatio­ns to stay were simply rubber stamped by a Home Office official.

The number of such cases has increased five-fold in the past three years. It has raised fears that some appeal cases are not being challenged in the courts when they should be.

However officials insisted it was pointless fighting appeals they were bound to lose. They said the real problem was immigratio­n rules that allowed too many claims to succeed under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, which guarantees the right to respect for private and family life

A freedom of informatio­n request revealed more than 600 human rights appeal cases were approved by the Home Office in the past four years. The number has risen from 56 in 2008 to 80 in 2009, 217 in 2010 and 250 last year, it was reported yesterday.

On top of the 250 cases that were not challenged, 409 offenders were allowed to stay last year after a judge approved their appeal against deportatio­n.

Ministers have introduced tougher rules on the use of Article 8, which has been blamed for allowing foreign criminals to stay in this country despite committing horrendous crimes.

They include Aso Mohammed Ibrahim, who left a girl of 12 to die under the wheels of his car.

A UK Border Agency spokesman said it was pointless to challenge cases it expected to lose and had changed the rules to make it easier to reject human rights claims. He added: ‘There is no point in wasting taxpayers’ money contesting cases where we were advised we would lose.

‘We examined each claim but case law based on the old rules meant the courts were highly likely to uphold them.

‘That’s why we changed the rules last month to help us remove criminals who try to use Article 8 to dodge deportatio­n.

‘As a result, we believe that we will see fewer cases where the Government is likely to lose and therefore fewer unconteste­d hearings.’

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