Daily Mail

WIN £5,000


- FOR further details, visit www.themaillot­tery.co.uk

THREE readers were celebratin­g last night after winning an equal share of our £10,000 rollover jackpot. Mrs Ann Gascoyne says her windfall is a late birthday present — she turned 70 at the end of last week — and is especially thrilled because she has never won anything before. Mrs Gascoyne, who lived abroad for many years with her mechanical engineer husband Jack before returning to Chesterfie­ld, Derbyshire, admitted her win had come as a bit of a shock. Winning his share was a welcome relief for former building contractor Gerald Lake, who retired early and has had several operations on his knees. He and his wife Angela, of Swansea, are off to Corfu for two weeks, and his winnings will help pay for their break. Retired personnel manager William Fenton says he and his wife Isobel will refurbish their home with his share. Mr Fenton, of Perth, also hopes to buy himself a new laptop. You, too, could make a claim for our £5,000 jackpot today — check your unique numbers, and if they match ALL SIX in the SAME line on the panel (right), give us a call. If you can only match five lines, we will give you £50. So far 2,078 readers have won a total £1,120,350, with 171 claiming a jackpot and 1,907 matching five numbers to win £50. Yesterday the following readers all won £50: Brian Masson, of Bathgate, West Lothian; Joseph Thornborro­w, of Carlisle; Mrs Catherine O’Connor, of Perth; Morrish Truscott, of Newquay, Cornwall; Keith Bailey, of Heswall, Wirral, Merseyside; John Zachar, of Brackley, Northampto­nshire; Brian Malone, of Edinburgh; Miss Barbara Tapsfield, of Tonbridge, Kent; Barry Ellison, of Rotherham, S. Yorks; Mrs Caroline Appleton, of St Ives, Cambs; John Houston, of Mauchline, Ayrshire; and Alan Curtis, of Leicester.

1 Check the unique Number in the Mail Rewards Club panel on the back page of this newspaper.

2 there are five lines of six numbers inside your newspaper. If you match all sIX two-digit numbers from the back page with any one of the sets of numbers in today’s newspaper, you can claim today’s Jackpot* of £5,000. (*Jackpot prize is shared if there is more than one winner.)

3 If you match FIVe twodigit numbers on any one line inside the newspaper, you can claim £50.

4 YOu Must CLAIM BY 7PM.

5 If there is no unique Number printed on your newspaper, DO NOt CALL, just write your name and address in the panel on the back of the paper and send it to: Mail August £5,000 Draw, PO Box 595, Blackburn BB2 9JN. You will be entered into a monthly draw for £5,000.

6 Closing date for the August draw is september 7, 2013.

7 If the jackpot is claimed by 7pm tonight, it will start at £5,000 tomorrow. If no one wins today, tomorrow’s rollover jackpot will be £10,000.


1 If you have matched sIX two-digit numbers or FIVe two-digit numbers on any one line in today’s newspaper, call 0844 800 0812 today between 9.30am and 7pm. You Must claim before 7pm on the day your numbers appear in the newspaper. Any claims after 7pm will be void.

2 every claim must be verified by your complete original winning newspaper.

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