Daily Mail

Posh? But I’m an Essex girl, says Lady Mary

- By Simon Cable Showbusine­ss Correspond­ent

WITH her clipped tones, she plays the role of the posh English aristocrat to perfection.

But Michelle Dockery has admitted she is in fact an ‘Essex girl’, whose upbringing couldn’t have been further away from that of her most famous character, Lady Mary Crawley.

The Downton Abbey actress has revealed that her friends call her ‘Dockers’, and as a young woman developed an estuary accent so thick that she was once dropped from a role by shocked producers.

The 31-year-old star, who grew up in Romford, is the daughter of Michael Dockery, an Irishman who worked his way up from a van driver, to eventually becoming a surveyor.

Her mother, Lorraine, is from Step-

‘We didn’t have much money’

ney, East London, and now works as a care home assistant, delivering meals.

Dockery’s maternal great-grandmothe­r, Maud Malyon, was born in 1 10 in Newham, East London, and was a domestic servant for a wealthy family. Her great-grandfathe­r, William Oakman, was a grocer’s assistant.

The actress said: ‘I’m not like Lady Mary at all. For one thing, I’m not actually posh. I come from a very humble, working-class background.

‘My dad worked all sorts of jobs when I was growing up and finally ended up as a surveyor; my mum delivers meals to old folk around where we live. ‘We didn’t have much money when I was growing up, but I had a very happy childhood.

‘I’m the youngest of three sisters and my parents have always encouraged all of us to do whatever made us happy.‘ In the interview with Hello! magazine, she added: ‘I had a very strong Essex accent when I was younger, and I don’t think I would have got the role of Lady Mary if I’d walked into the audition going, “Allo, nice ter meet ya!”’

Dockery made her television debut in BBC mini-series Fingersmit­h in 2005. However, she came to public prominence playing Lady Mary Crawley, and has this year been nominated for the outstandin­g actress prize at this year’s Emmy awards.

Recalling her childhood in East London, she said in a previous interview: ‘At the age of eight I auditioned for The Sound of Music, and made it through to the third round, where we all stood in a row like the Von Trapp family and had to sing. I belted out my line with real confidence and I could see the casting director and the other adults were impressed by my singing voice.

‘Then we were asked to give our names. The children before me were all enunciatin­g perfectly. When I was asked what experience I had, I replied, “Well, I’ve done lots of shows round Essex but I ain’t done nuffink up the West End.” I instantly suspected I’d blown it. And I had.’

 ??  ?? Humble roots: Michelle Dockery
Humble roots: Michelle Dockery

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