Daily Mail

Dear neighbours, if you’re missing any washing, blame our cat burglar

- By Luke Salkeld

WHEN strange bits of clothing started turning up on their doorstep Richard and Sophie Windsor were puzzled to say the least. Later, as towel sets, baby clothes and a German sausage found their way on to their kitchen floor, the confusion deepened. When they then spotted half a pizza wedged in the cat flap the penny finally dropped – their beloved pet moggy Norris had turned into a cat burglar. The two-year- old tabby started bringing home food about a year ago, before starting to raid local gardens, washing lines and even venture into nearby houses. So far his embarrasse­d owners have been presented with their neighbours’ underwear, some running kit, a bath mat and even an unopened tube of gravy paste. Norris brings most of his hoard through the cat flap – but if it can’t fit through he leaves it on the mat outside for his owners to pick up. Mr

‘He turned to a life of petty crime’

Windsor, 26, who lives in Bristol, said: ‘He was perfectly well behaved until the age of one, then he started to turn to a life of petty crime. ‘At first it was just the odd thing – but over the last four months, he has really upped his game. ‘We have even had a pair of washing-up gloves – each brought in on a separate night. ‘He brings his stolen items in and then meows to announce he is back so we will see what he has brought.’ He added: ‘I guess there is not much wildlife so Norris has chosen to steal stuff to pass the time.’ The couple are now trying to reunite the items with their rightful owners after collecting a huge stash of stolen goods. Mr Windsor was forced to write letters to their neighbours to explain Norris’s naughty habit – asking anyone who was missing items from their washing line to get in touch. ‘At first we thought it was funny,’ he said. ‘But as his stash started to grow we thought we needed to return them. ‘It is not as if they are highvalue items, but they belong to someone. So far we have been able to reunite a number of items with their owners. ‘Fortunatel­y our neighbours are good natured and think it is funny. And now they always know where to come if something mysterious­ly disappears.’ Look what the cat dragged in: His embarrasse­d owners’ apologetic letter to their neighbours

 ??  ?? Dear neighbours, This is slightly embarrassi­ng but our cat, Norris, has taken to theft. At first, when it was the odd dishcloth, it was amusing but his habit has intensifie­d and we now have a growing pile of stolen goods. If you’ve ‘misplaced’ anything...
Dear neighbours, This is slightly embarrassi­ng but our cat, Norris, has taken to theft. At first, when it was the odd dishcloth, it was amusing but his habit has intensifie­d and we now have a growing pile of stolen goods. If you’ve ‘misplaced’ anything...

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