Daily Mail

Don’t forget UK vital interests

- By ALEX BRUMMER City Editor

MUCH of the political debate about UK interventi­on in Syria rightly has focused on the humanitari­an case following the release of horrific images showing use of chemical gas. In the emotion of the moment the strategic and economic reasons for British involvemen­t in the region hardly have been discussed.

The Assad- dynasty’s Syria was becalmed for several decades because of its fear of directly challengin­g Israel, even after the September 2007 ‘Operation Orchard’ bombing of a potential nuclear facility.

The raging civil war has brought Damascus closer to an arc of Shi’ite radicalism in the Middle East that stretches from Iraq, through Syria into Iran.

This power shift has more closely aligned the interests of Turkey, Jordan and the rich Gulf states, most notably Saudi Arabia. However strong the political reasons for not becoming involved in another Middle East conflict, after the perceived mistake of Iraq, the UK can ill afford to pull back from the region. The Gulf states including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait comprise one of the UK’s biggest export markets. Britain’s strong aerospace sector, one of the few manufactur­ing areas with competitiv­e advantage, could be seriously undermined.

Moreover, the UK is heavily reliant on capital inflows from the region, going into everything from the Shard to J Sainsbury and the London Stock Exchange, to help finance our balance of payments.

This allows the release of capital for re-investment in other parts of the economy.

The Gulf states are unlikely to be impressed by the new dovish mood of the Commons when they make their next- generation military purchases.

Then there is the oil market impact. Yes, the world is less dependent on Middle Eastern energy now that the Americans look to be heading for a new period of self- sufficienc­y. But the rest of the world, including Britain, has a heavy requiremen­t. Only the arrival of tanker loads of liquefied natural gas from Qatar prevented the lights going out across the UK this spring when the gas in storage was at negligible levels. Fracking may provide a longer-term solution to Britain’s dash-for-gas policy but it is Qatar, with its vast reserves, that is so critical at present.

Arguably American-led Western involvemen­t in Syria could destabilis­e Western energy markets further as the current surge in the price of Brent crude suggests. Before the financial crash the most significan­t economic disturbanc­es of the late 20th century were the oil shocks around the Yom Kippur war, the Iran-Iraq war and Saddam Hussein’s Kuwait invasion of 1990.

The Strait of Hormuz is the lifeline of Western energy needs. The very idea that the shipping lanes and pipelines might fall under the shadow of an arc of radicalism is as good a reason as any for steering clear of isolationi­sm.

Phony wars

THERE are often complaints that Britain has failed to produce digital giants on the scale of Google and Apple. Yet it is often forgotten that when it came to cellular phone technology the UK has been a world leader.

Vodafone, an offshoot of Racal, was a mobile start-up. In Vodafone, Orange and O2 (formerly BT Wireless) the UK had three of the pioneers of the industry long before Verizon Wireless was even on the starting blocks.

In that great British tradition O2 was sold off to Spain’s Telefonica and Orange to France Telecom. Now that Vodafone is ready to dispose of its huge poison pill, the stake in Verizon Wireless, it too could become vulnerable.

The whole mobile sector is rife with deals at present with both KPN of Holland and Telecom Italia (not to mention Voda-Verizon’s joint venture in Italy) all takeover targets.

Leading Vodafone shareholde­rs are urging the company to distribute much of the proceeds of the £80bn sale to shareholde­rs rather than embark on a new round of acquisitio­ns. Standing still may not be an option and Vodafone itself could quickly fall under the spell if Carlos Slim, or another overseas raider, unless it is fleet of foot.

One possibilit­y for Voda is a bigger push into cable following its purchase of Kabel Deutschlan­d. John Malone’s Liberty Media, that recently won control of Virgin Media, is mentioned as a possible target.

Vodafone investors clearly feel they deserve a payday after the long patient wait for big cash returns. But allowing one of the few remaining tech champs to vanish beneath the waves of overseas takeovers should not be an option.

Farewell Fannie?

THE first major crack in the façade of Wall Street stability came fiveyears ago this week when US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was forced to take the giant mortgage intermedia­ries Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservato­rship – a polite name for state ownership. Both had been stuffed with rotten sub-prime mortgage securities offloaded by banks such as JP Morgan.

The rescue cost US taxpayers $187bn (£122bn) of which some $132bn has since been repaid. President Obama and the Senate would now like to wind down the two institutio­ns that in the boom allowed private sector lenders to shift liabilitie­s from their own books to Fannie and Freddie.

George Osborne should take note before he extends ‘Help to Buy’ with billions of pounds of mortgage subsidies.

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