Daily Mail

Animal sanctuary owner collapses as bailiffs evict her after 20 years

- By Larisa Brown

THIS is the moment a distraught animal sanctuary owner collapsed in the mud after bailiffs arrived to evict her from her farm.

Paula Campbell, who has cared for thousands of abandoned pets over the past 20 years, was so overcome with grief she required hospital treatment.

Following years of court cases and appeals, bailiffs arrived to take possession of the sanctuary due to thousands of pounds owed in mortgage arrears.

The RSPCA is now taking care of the 342 animals left behind – including hens, cats, horses, ferrets, llamas, terrapins and tortoises. The Rainbow Ark Animal Sanctuary has relied solely upon donations since its creation 20 years ago. And Miss Campbell, a committed Christian, has devoted most of her life to looking after sick and homeless animals.

Her sanctuary has successful­ly re-homed thousands of cats and dogs throughout the North East of England.

But the cost of supporting the animals was crippling Miss Campbell, with the cost of feeding them rising to £1,000 a month.

Bailiffs acting on behalf of Redstone Mortgages arrived to take possession of the sanctuary at Milkup Bank Farm, in Willington, County Durham, on Wednesday.

Miss Campbell, 47, along with members of her family and volunteers, then staged a desperate last stand. A wooden pole and a tree trunk were laid across the track while the protesters blockaded the gate with a van and Land Rover.

Miss Campbell fell to the ground as the bailiffs moved in.

Her daughter, Jayne, was given just five minutes to gather all their possession­s and pet dogs and get off the land.

Jonathon Proctor, 21, who was a volunteer at the centre, said: ‘At about 12pm an army of bailiffs, police and locksmiths arrived. Paula had what we thought was a heart attack.

‘She’s losing her home, her life and all of her animals. We have done everything we can do to keep the sanctuary, but it’s made no difference. We are devastated – all of us here and especially Paula have only ever had the best interests of the animals at heart.

‘We’ve got to now find 300 homes for all these animals.’

Jayne Campbell said: ‘My mum is a hard woman and a real fighter, but she was just tired with it after fighting these people for so long.’

She added that her mother had discharged herself from hospital after the ordeal but was still in shock. In July 2012 Miss Campbell was given a reprieve to raise the £25,000 she needed to pay off her arrears but rising bills meant this was not possible. An RSPCA spokesman confirmed that the charity was looking after the animals while Miss Campbell decided what to do with them all.

He said: ‘Those animals who were reliant upon electricit­y were taken to a vets at that time, where their needs are being met.

‘We have five officers on site who are assisting with the feeding and watering of the animals in situ and are giving advice to the people who are currently responsibl­e for them to ensure their welfare is secure. Vets have also been called in on RSPCA advice to check over all of the animals.’

In 2010 Redstone Mortgages Limited was fined £630,000 by the Financial Services Authority for its poor treatment of some customers facing mortgage arrears.

The FSA identified a series of failings, including customers being hit with unfair and excessive charges. A company spokesman said: ‘Redstone takes its obligation­s very seriously and will take all necessary steps to ensure the welfare of all the animals at the property.’

 ??  ?? State of shock: A volunteer tends to Paula Campbell as she lies in the mud after being evicted from her home over mortgage arrears
State of shock: A volunteer tends to Paula Campbell as she lies in the mud after being evicted from her home over mortgage arrears
 ??  ?? Devotion to animals: Paula Campbell
Devotion to animals: Paula Campbell

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