Daily Mail

Tragic truth behind Peaches’ ‘perfect life’

Hooked on diet pills as well as heroin, obsessed with her mother’s death, worried about money . . .

- By Paul Scott

FOR SOMEONE whose early years were so blighted by tragedy and loss, it is perhaps no surprise that Peaches Geldof was determined to create a picture-perfect home life for herself.

Along with her handsome musician husband, and two gorgeous young sons, she enjoyed the £1 million country retreat in which she lovingly cooked meals on the Aga, while their muddy dogs Bogwot and Parper lolled at her feet. And there was no doubting her love for her children. She was, after all, a huge advocate of so- called Attachment Parenting which, she said, meant her sons Astala, two, and Phaedra, one, spent virtually every hour of the day with her.

But, as was so often the case with poor Peaches, the carefully crafted image she sold to herself, as much as to the outside world, was in sharp contrast to the sad reality of her troubled existence.

Friends of the late 25-year-old TV presenter say that she was not only still fighting an addiction to heroin that, it was revealed this week, played a part in her death, but was also hooked on diet pills.

Partly fuelling these dependenci­es, they say, were the money troubles she was struggling with. She and her musician husband of two years, Tom Cohen, were said to have faced the prospect of having to sell their home to fund their costly lifestyle.

Friends say that Peaches had been in and out of rehab for several years — all of which was carefully hidden from the public.

Indeed, this week it was claimed that in the days before her death, Peaches was secretly attending a drug treatment clinic close to her home in the Kent village of Wrotham, where she would arrive in a hoodie to collect prescripti­ons for the heroin substitute Methadone.

A bleak picture is emerging of how her life had spiralled out of control in recent months, as she fell back into addiction.

‘Peaches was up and down like a yo-yo with heroin,’ said Gerry Agar, a long-time family friend of the Geldofs. Miss Agar, who used to act as Paula Yates’s PR representa­tive, added: ‘When she got married to Tom and had her babies, we all hoped that things would get better and they did — for a while.

‘As far as I am concerned, some of her so-called friends were little more than facilitato­rs.’

This week, detectives said they were hunting the drug dealer who supplied Peaches with heroin.

After a period where she was seemingly free from drugs, Peaches had, at some point, catastroph­ically, relapsed. Certainly, she had been the picture of radiant good health when she and Tom married in September 2012, but soon after Phaedra’s birth in April last year friends noticed she’d begun to look thin and hollow-eyed.

One of the cast of television reality show Made In Chelsea claims that she witnessed Peaches openly snorting cocaine at a film premiere in London last year.

Later, pictures of her on holiday with Cohen in Mauritius showed her growing baby bump in stark contrast to her thin limbs.

Clearly, she was in desperate need of help. But, according to those who knew her, Peaches’ problems had been greatly exacerbate­d in recent months by mixing hard drugs with strong diet pills.

Certainly, in the family pictures she posted of herself in the days before she died, Peaches looked markedly gaunt in the face.

ONE CLOSE friend said: ‘She wasn’t eating and she was taking diet pills, which gave her a buzz. Some people say the pills give you a similar boost to “speed”, and it got to the stage where she was taking them to give her the energy just to get up with the kids in the morning after she’d been up using heroin the night before.

‘The whole thing was horrible and a disaster.’

Cohen discovered the body of his wife at the family home at the beginning of last month. This week, an inquest heard he had been spending the weekend with the children at the home of his parents in South-East London. Tom’s father, Keith, had delivered Phaedra back to Peaches on the Sunday evening before she died.

The following day, Tom and his mother, Sue, went to check up on Peaches after being unable to contact her and found her dead.

Yesterday, a spokesman for Kent Police confirmed that officers had seized drugs parapherna­lia found in the house on April 7, but added: ‘I would like to make it clear that Thomas Cohen is not in any way under suspicion of any involvemen­t in Peaches Geldof-Cohen’s death or our concurrent investigat­ion into the supply of drugs.

‘He has not been arrested or interviewe­d under caution and there is no plan to do so.’

Friends say that Peaches recently felt under enormous pressure because of her and her husband’s financial worries.

Peaches had found herself as the only breadwinne­r since Cohen’s band broke up last year. Since then, he’s been essentiall­y unemployed. Friends say Tom, who’ll be 24 at the end of this month, has been trying to get a vintage clothes shop in London off the ground with his older sister, Holly.

THIS meant that sometime TV presenter and magazine columnist Peaches was carrying the burden of providing for her family, regularly travelling into town in a bid to kick-start her own career, having meetings with prospectiv­e employers, going to fashion events and generally trying to keep her name in the public eye.

But she had found work hard to come by and was attempting to reinvent her public image as an outspoken earth mother. In a sign of how sharply her star had fallen, her final interview was with the little-known Aga Living magazine, run by the cooker company.

She regularly left the children with Tom’s parents, Keith, a social worker, and Sue, an artist, usually for three days a week.

Yet, despite having this support network, Peaches is said to have felt overwhelme­d by the responsibi­lity of trying to keep the young family she adored afloat.

When they were at home together, Peaches would insist that, as part of the attachment parenting programme, she would sleep in one room with one of the boys while Tom would settle down in the spare room with the other. Attachment parenting also advises mothers to breastfeed their children for longer than the usual guidelines.

Friends say she was loath to ask for help from her father, multi-millionair­e Live Aid founder Bob Geldof, and that the pair had had little contact in the months before her death.

Indeed, in an interview two months before she died, Peaches claimed her father had barely seen her two boys, saying: ‘It really is his loss to be honest. He will regret it one day.’

The distance between them also meant that, crucially, Geldof was not able to intervene to force Peaches to get proper help, as he had done in the past.

When Peaches was younger, Geldof was often painted as a somewhat absent father who refused to face up to his daughter’s growing problems.

True, he did let the 15-year- old Peaches live with her sisters, Fifi and Pixie, in a self-contained flat below the South London apartment he shared at the time with fiancee Jeanne Marine and his adopted daughter, Tiger Lily.

But a source who worked closely with Peaches told me that, unbeknown to the media, the Boomtown Rats frontman remained devoted to his

daughter and insisted on several occasions that Peaches should get specialist treatment.

‘When she was younger, Bob would let her get on with it until something serious happened, then he would get very proactive and read her the riot act and arrange for her to go into clinics,’ the source said.

While the family was keen to keep Peaches’ drug problems out of the public eye, this sometimes proved impossible. In the summer of 2008, paramedics were called after Peaches collapsed at the flat she shared with friends in London’s King’s Cross amid reports that she had taken an overdose.

And in 2011, an 18- year- old friend, privately-educated Freddy McConnel, died of a heroin overdose in the summer after writing in his diary: ‘ Peaches is coming over later and I am going to inject for the first time. Perhaps I will die. I hope I don’t.’

Around the same time, Gerry Agar says a musician came to visit her son Tom, a close friend of Peaches from their schooldays. She heard the musician on the phone arranging with Peaches to collect some cocaine from her and insisted he leave.

‘During that time, there were a number of rehab and treatment centres she was admitted to that the public never found out about,’ she added.

For more than two years before her death, Geldof had been a peripheral figure in the life of his daughter. According to Gerry Agar, they became distant in recent months, partly over Peaches’ insistence on talking about her dead mother, Paula, in virtually every interview she gave.

‘Bob didn’t like it. He didn’t think it was healthy,’ Miss Agar said. ‘It infuriated him and that was the main bone of contention. But Peaches basically told her father: “You can’t tell me what to do.” ’

Certainly, Geldof was not the only one who was concerned about his daughter’s growing obsession with Paula Yates, the former television presenter who died of a heroin overdose aged 41 in September 2000.

On the day of her own death, Peaches, who was 11 when Miss Yates died, had posted a picture of herself as a young girl with her late mother on her Twitter page.

MAnY of those who knew Peaches believe that her obsession with her late mother had fatal consequenc­es. ‘Peaches spent her life mythologis­ing her mother and her death,’ says one friend. ‘When she spoke about Paula and the way she died, it was with a sense of awe. She felt her mother was a member of this very rock ’n’ roll club of famous people who lived fast and died young.’

Gerry Agar says: ‘ Peaches was still in touch with a few of Paula’s old friends and I think that they helped to create an idealised picture of Paula in Peaches’ mind.

‘And it was very hard for Peaches to try to live up to the image of Paula, whom she was constantly told was so beautiful, talented and successful.

‘She was always told how alike they were, but Peaches knew she couldn’t compete. Peaches created this fantasy world about how her childhood with Paula was so idyllic, but I was there and it wasn’t.

‘ Because Paula was a drug addict, a lot of Peaches’ early life was traumatic. It was not pleasant. But she was very like Paula in that they were both fantasists to some extent.’

Very sadly for the troubled Peaches, the fairytale world she attempted to construct for herself was, in the end, not enough to keep the demons of her past away.

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 ??  ?? Frail: Peaches in February and (below) with husband Tom and sons Phaedra, left, and Astala
Frail: Peaches in February and (below) with husband Tom and sons Phaedra, left, and Astala

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