Daily Mail

Woman judge who lied to police over Huhne case jailed

- By Sara Smyth

A DISGRACED judge was accused of arrogance yesterday as she was jailed for lying to police in the Chris Huhne scandal.

Constance Briscoe, 56, was sentenced to 16 months imprisonme­nt for trying to cover up her role in a secret vendetta against the former Cabinet minister.

Mr Justice Baker said the QC, Huhne and his ex-wife Vicky Pryce considered that ‘respect for the law was for others’ and their conduct ‘strikes at the heart of our much-cherished system of criminal justice’.

Briscoe is the first judge in living memory to be convicted of such a serious offence and her imprisonme­nt is the final chapter in an extraordin­ary saga.

The Old Bailey had heard that Briscoe – one of the first black women to sit as a judge in the UK – helped Pryce reveal to newspapers informatio­n about Huhne’s swapping of speeding points after the couple split in 2010. The judge said she had been ‘motivated’, as was Pryce, by a

‘Fabricatin­g evidence’

desire to ensure the Lib Dem’s downfall, but sought to hide her ‘true motive and role’ in the exposure of the story.

‘You then compounded your position by deliberate­ly fabricatin­g evidence when you thought that you might be exposed,’ said Mr Justice Baker.

‘If there is a common thread between you all, then I regret that it is one of arrogance by educated individual­s who considered that respect for the law was for others. You were motivated, as was Vicky Pryce, by a joint desire to ensure the downfall of Chris Huhne.

‘I am sure you realise that such conduct strikes at the heart of our muchcheris­hed system of criminal justice.’

Briscoe, a mother-of-two from Clapham, South London was charged with giving police two inaccurate statements, producing an altered copy of a statement that she claimed was the

If there is a common thread between you all [Briscoe, Huhne and Pryce], then I regret that it is one of arrogance by educated individual­s who considered that respect for the law was for others

correct version, and deliberate­ly getting a document expert to view the wrong version of her witness statement. She denied the offences.

Her corruption was exposed just before she was presented as an unimpeacha­ble star witness at last year’s trial of Huhne, 59, and Pryce, 61.

Her jail term is twice the length imposed on both Huhne and Pryce – who were convicted of perverting the course of justice. After spending 30

Mr Justice Baker yesterday

years working as a part-time judge and criminal lawyer, Briscoe will be kicked out of the judiciary.

It was also revealed this week that she is under criminal investigat­ion over claims she fraudulent­ly obtained documents to defend the libel suit brought by her mother over her ‘misery memoir’.

Mr Justice Baker said Briscoe’s conviction was a ‘personal tragedy’ for a woman who had been ‘something of a role model’.

 ??  ?? ‘Arrogant’: Constance Briscoe arrives at court yesterday
‘Arrogant’: Constance Briscoe arrives at court yesterday

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