Daily Mail

PM sworn at by pupils at Clegg’s old public school

One called him ‘bedroom tax bastard’

- By Jason Groves Deputy Political Editor

PUPILS at one of Britain’s leading public schools were facing investigat­ion last night after being heard hurling abuse at David Cameron in the grounds of Westminste­r Abbey.

Boys from £32,000-a-year Westminste­r School, where Nick Clegg was once a pupil, were heard shouting an obscene word at the Prime Minister as he gave a speech on tackling Islamic extremism.

Mr Cameron was addressing the centre-right Policy Exchange think-tank in College Garden, which is below the pupils’ dormitory. As he laid out the Government’s plans a boy was heard shouting ‘a******’ at him from a dormitory window. Witnesses, who included ministers,

‘Cameron didn’t miss a beat’

MPs and policy advisers, said the insult was repeated more than once.

One boy was also heard shouting ‘bedroom tax bastards’ at the Prime Minister, who was educated at rival school Eton, as he left the event on Wednesday evening. It is unclear how many pupils were involved.

A witness said: ‘The Prime Minister carried on during his speech without missing a beat really.

‘There was a shout mid-speech and one as he was leaving. It came from a male student who was watching from a window of the school.’

Another witness thought at least two boys heckled the Prime Minister.

Westminste­r School is one of the most prestigiou­s in the country and has a long connection with politics, having educated seven prime ministers over the centuries.

Head master Stephen Spurr last night voiced his dismay, adding: ‘I will be investigat­ing this matter. The pupils are enormously interested in politics but they are also very courteous and like to listen. I will be very upset if they have been shouting out. I send my apologies to the Prime Minister.’

Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg said ‘It seems terribly bad manners.’

The taunt refers to the Government’s spare room subsidy, which requires council house tenants to pay a premium for having a spare bedroom.

Another Tory MP, who was present at the event, said: ‘It is pretty ironic that privileged kids at a £30,000-ayear school are shouting about the bedroom tax. I imagine their parents would be more worried about the idea of a window tax.’

A Downing Street source said that at least one shout was heard, but insisted it was ‘not a matter of much consequenc­e’.

 ??  ?? Privilege: Westminste­r School charges £32,000 a year
Privilege: Westminste­r School charges £32,000 a year
 ??  ?? Jeered: David Cameron
Jeered: David Cameron

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