Daily Mail

Santa Claus, the priest and a tale out of school

- Daily Mail Reporter

WITH Christmas just around the corner, the pupils gathered to hear a festive sermon may have expected a little seasonal cheer.

Instead the children – some as young as seven – were left bewildered after a ‘mean’ priest told them Santa Claus doesn’t exist.

Father Dennis Higgins, pictured below, was criticised by parents after he upset the primary pupils with his stark sermon.

Now, in an bid to smooth things over, the headmaster has reassured the children that he has spoken to Father Christmas to clear up any confusion.

The pupils from St Anne’s Catholic Primary School in Buxton, Derbyshire, had been invited to the nearby St Thomas More secondary to celebrate the festive season.

Instead of receiving tidings of joy, they were told that Christmas had nothing to do with Santa and his sleigh full of toys. One parent, who did not wish to be identified, said: ‘ How dare he say such things to such young children?

‘To try and take away the magic of Christmas is just plain mean.It really saddens me that someone who people should respect and look up to can do something so mean.’ But supporters of the priest, who is based at St Anne’s Catholic Church in Buxton, have rallied to his defence.

A Facebook page set up in his honour says he has ‘dedicated his life to God and the Church’ and describes him as a ‘pillar of Buxton’s community’.

Sheryl Anne Ellison added: ‘I have nothing but respect for the man and I think those who spew bile should aim it in another direction, certainly not at him.

‘The school is Catholic, Christmas is a Christian festival celebratin­g the birth of Christ. If you send your kids – deal with it.’

Brendan Hickey, headmaster at St Thomas More, said yesterday: ‘I want to reassure all year three pupils at St Anne’s and their parents that I have personally spoken to Father Christmas and told him about what has happened.

‘He was sorry to hear about the confusion and has promised me that he will arrange for his elves to write to each of the children and reassure them that he will definitely be coming to visit them this Christmas.’

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