Daily Mail


Guardian Books/ Faber £18.99 £14.05)


WOULD Mitchell consent to a DNA test? i think he may be my long lost baby. For how else to account for the fact his ideas, opinions and quirky thoughts uncannily concur with my own, up to and including an appreciati­on of ‘that grey look leafless trees get at dusk’?

i expected to dread this book. More fool me.

Mitchell is an exceptiona­lly clever, eloquent and spot- on commentato­r, driven bonkers, as i am, by web designers and party planners; by the nonsensica­l rebranding of Marathon bars as snickers; by ‘apology extortioni­sts’ who harp on about slavery or the empire or anything that this week is non-Pc; by people who say things like ‘proactivel­y encourage’ when they mean ‘ actively encourage’ or just ‘encourage’; by politician­s outlining ‘eye-catching initiative­s’ when what they mean is they are making a routine speech; by the way at the BBC or in journalism ‘ everything is scrutinise­d for potential offence by jumpy compliance staff who endure no potential setback if the comedy output ceases to be funny’; by the way we are bullied to wear poppies; by the growing authoritar­ianism of the state and the police: ‘if we put tasers in our public servants’ hands, at some point they’ll use them on us.’

Mitchell rages against ‘ bland conformity’ and won’t stand for the debasement of language and feeling, when words are made useless by jargon and management idiots. there is nothing grumpy or cantankero­us about his diatribes.

a genuine smart mind is on display here, as yet undimmed by gormless game show appearance­s. We should be grateful for him.

this is the Roger lewis Daily Mail Book of the Year, which will stop sales dead, but i don’t care.

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