Daily Mail

Why Lloyds is banking on Brittain

- By Ruth Sunderland

ALISON Brittain, the head of retail operations at Lloyds, is the most powerful woman in British banking. But even she admits it will be ‘years and years and years’ before people start to trust the industry again.

Six years on from the start of the financial meltdown, stateowned Lloyds, along with its peers, is continuing to pay a heavy price for its past behaviour.

In his Autumn Statement this week, Chancellor George Osborne said he is using money extracted from the banks’ forex fines to help the NHS, which is likely to be a popular move with many voters.

Brittain concedes that there is no guarantee the tide of retributio­n is anywhere near an end.

She says: ‘It’s clearly very disappoint­ing that fines for historic issues continue to flow.

‘I can’t say with certainty that they are at an end, but we are working as hard as possible to ensure they are not repeated.’

All the banks have been affected, but the gung-ho sales culture took a big toll on Lloyds.

As well as an £11.3bn bill for PPI mis- selling, the bank was fined £28m last year for ‘serious failings in the systems and controls’ governing incentives for sales staff.

Brittain, 49, who joined Lloyds in 2011, is trying to sweep away the last remnants of the flawed system that was in place when she arrived from Santander.

From the new year there will be no incentives for selling products. Instead, staff will be encouraged to have ‘conversati­ons’ with customers. There is no doubt that the previous incentives regime was misconceiv­ed as staff were goaded into selling unsuitable products through lucrative rewards for hitting targets.

There was also a strong element of fear. Those who failed to foist enough policies on to unsuspecti­ng customers faced the threat of demotion and a pay cut.

‘It was the management teams that were around in the 2000s that would have developed those schemes,’ Brittain says.

‘We won’t digress on what might have caused that, and the Americanis­ation of banking.’

She doesn’t name names, but it sounds like a barb aimed at former boss Eric Daniels, the Montana-born former chief executive, who joined the old Lloyds TSB as head of retail banking in 2001 and became CEO in 2003.

Brittain, a mother of two who met her husband Kevin when they were both working for Barclays, comes over as sincere and likeable, possibly because of her down-to-earth Derbyshire roots.

SHE went to the University of Stirling to read business studies and has an MBA from Cambridge University’s Judge Institute.

As well as her main job, she is on the practition­er panel of regulator the Financial Conduct Authority. She is also a non-executive on the board of Marks & Spencer, though she refuses to be drawn on how efforts to revive the retailer are faring.

Running a network of more than 2,200 Lloyds, Halifax and Bank of Scotland branches, with around 40,000 staff and 25m customers, Brittain is seen as a possible successor to chief executive Antonio Horta Osorio.

There are other senior female bankers, including Jayne Anne Gadhia, who runs Virgin Money, and Ana Botin, of Santander, but Brittain says there are ‘patently not’ enough women at the top of the industry. ‘I think this is a problem that is fixable, but there is not a solution that will happen overnight,’ she says.

Does she find it hard to reconcile her home life and career? ‘It is incredibly difficult and you do have to make compromise­s.

‘I have a male colleague with kids exactly the same age as mine and no one asks whether he can balance,’ she says with a laugh.

‘Technology is the key. The day I got my first BlackBerry was Hallelujah day, because I could do an extra hour’s work on the train on the way home, and an hour on the way in. But I would get redcarded if I got the BlackBerry out at lunchtime and on holidays – I have to be surreptiti­ous about when and where I get it out.’

Her initiative to scrap all sales incentives schemes may be laudable, but what if sales fall off a cliff? Won’t there be pressure to ditch the new policy?

She says: ‘No, we are committed. From January 1, there is no sales element of any descriptio­n, called by any name. If you give me your pad and pen I can tell you the story you are going to be writing in February after the whistleblo­wers phone you up.’

She reckons they will say that although sales targets have been ditched, staff will still be expected to see a given number of customers, with the hope that meetings lead to sales. In other words, sales targets by the back door.

Isn’t that a fair point, though – surely she does not want staff to see customers to talk about the weather, but to sell?

‘We will go into commercial decline if it doesn’t result in any customers wanting to do something,’ she admits. ‘But there will be no target for a branch or a manager for the output.’

Brittain argues the sales component in the incentive schemes has already been brought down to a very low level, and that her latest move is largely a symbolic break with the past.

This is despite whistleblo­wers contacting the Mail in the past year to say Lloyds has carried on pressurisi­ng staff to mis-sell products.

She says: ‘Because people have worked for more than a decade on sales targets, it is difficult to change the mindset. We knew we were running a clean bank but this last symbolic gesture says to everybody working down the line that it is just about the quality of the conversati­on you have with the customers.

‘No one is going to have any opportunit­y, whatever level they are, to say they were incentivis­ed to do something wrong.’

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