Daily Mail

Families deserve a reward, says PM

- By Jason Groves Deputy Political Editor

AFTER years of austerity, families ‘deserve a reward’ and tax cuts, David Cameron will say today.

The Prime Minister will label Labour leader Ed Miliband and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg as enemies of aspiration and claim the country has reached a ‘tax moment’, where families begin to see their rates going down.

He will highlight new Treasury figures suggesting an average basic rate tax- payer will pay £8,000 less in income tax between 010 and 0 0, if Tory plans to raise the personal allowance go ahead.

The figure is likely to prove controvers­ial as it does not include increases in VAT or cuts in benefits. But Mr Cameron will pledge to fight for tax cuts ‘with every bone in my body’. ‘We’re at that moment now, what I would call the “tax moment”, when after years of sacrifice the British people deserve a reward,’ he will say.

‘After some dark times, we are coming out the other side. And as we do, I’m clear – the people whose hard work and personal sacrifices have got us through these difficult times should come first.

‘So it’s right that where we can ensure people keep more of their own hardearned money, we should.’

The Tories have pledged £7billion of tax cuts after the General Election, raising the personal allowance to £1 ,500 and the threshold for paying 40p tax to £50,000. Critics say it is not clear how the cuts will be funded given only half the budget deficit has been cleared.

Mr Cameron says: ‘Before us lie what I would call the enemies of aspiration – and they are the Labour party and the Liberal Democrat party.’

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