Daily Mail

Mother on benefits is dumped by husband as she expects child No 12

- Daily Mail Reporter

A MOTHER of 11 children who took her family on foreign holidays while claiming £30,000 a year in benefits says she has been dumped by her husband – while pregnant with another child.

Cheryl Prudham says she will struggle on as a single mother even though she is expecting her 12th child.

The 32-year-old claims her husband Robert, the father of her five youngest children, has left her on several occasions for other women during their six years together.

Mr Prudham, 29, started cheating on her two weeks before they were married, when she already had six children by two other men, she told the Sunday People.

But now she has vowed to draw a line under their tempestuou­s relationsh­ip.

She said: ‘This time something snapped and I realised I deserve better. He makes me sick.’

Mrs Prudham, who lives in a five-bedroom council semi in Gravesend, Kent, had her first son George when she was 17 and was living in a homeless hostel in the summer of 2000.

She soon moved into a flat with her ex-boyfriend and had second son Jack, now 12, and her eldest daughter Caitlin, eight.

She then had three unplanned pregnancie­s: Maisie, seven, Lillie, five, and Madison, four.

In March 2009 she met Mr Prudham and they had Leon, now three. They then had Lenny, two, before she gave birth to daughter Lainey in January last year. She then had twins Lacey-May and Lexi-Rose last August.

Mrs Prudham told how she went through with the wedding to Mr Prudham because she was eight months pregnant with Leon and thought her husband’s alleged cheating was a one-off.

She said: ‘I was desperate to have a more stable family life and give the kids a home with a mum and a dad – something I’d never had but always craved.’

But, she claims, six months after they were married he left her again, saying he needed space. Then, after returning

‘I felt so worthless’

three weeks later, he apparently walked out in March 2011, while she was seven months pregnant.

Mrs Prudham claims that, despite returning two months later, his leaving became a pattern and he would become distant and absent every six months.

She said: ‘I’d spend night after night wondering whose bed he was in. I felt so worthless that by the time he begged to come back, I actually felt grateful.’

Mrs Prudham said she gave birth to the twin girls in August by emergency caesarean while her husband was ‘hundreds of miles away’. She said the couple were soon reunited and agreed to have no more children. He even had a vasectomy.

But, only days after the procedure, Mrs Prudham found out she was expecting a girl.

She announced the news on Facebook last week, but claims she then found ‘incriminat­ing messages’ on her husband’s phone, to a woman he had never met, which she says was the final straw.

The couple both work 20 hours a week as carers for the elderly. She is able to claim around £30,000 of tax credits and benefits a year on top of this.

Mrs Prudham was previously criticised for saying that their benefits allowed to them to set aside thousands for foreign holidays and presents for their children. The family were then photograph­ed enjoying a two-week holiday in Menorca.

When asked about his wife’s claims, Mr Prudham called her a liar, then admitted he had cheated while the couple were ‘on a break’ from each other.

He also alleged she was pregnant with someone else’s baby, a claim she strongly denies.

 ??  ?? Growing family: Cheryl and Robert Prudham before the birth of their twin daughters last year
Growing family: Cheryl and Robert Prudham before the birth of their twin daughters last year

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