Daily Mail

My beauty secrets — by Dame Helen

At 69, she still looks stunning. Now, as she reveals her new ad campaign, Helen Mirren tells us exclusivel­y how she does it


WHEN I revealed in this column last year that Dame Helen mirren was the new face of l’Oreal, I had hundreds of letters from readers, ecstatic that beauty giants are celebratin­g older women.

as these exclusive pictures show, from next week (February 5) Helen will be appearing in her first television advertisin­g campaign for the company.

The 69-year-old actress will be seen championin­g the role of the older woman — and the candid, unretouche­d shots from the advert show that wrinkles, ageing hands and natural make-up can be beautiful.

I suspect this approach will sell more products than the glossier, airbrushed campaigns that many women feel don’t relate to them and their real lives.

During the filming of the advert, Dame Helen took time out to speak exclusivel­y to us about what she really thinks about beauty — and reveals she doesn’t even like the word!

She told us: ‘I used to worry a lot more about my looks than I do now.

‘ I think the great advantage of getting older is that you let go of certain things. Having said that, I think all women worry to some degree — and I don’t think men are exempt.

‘I don’t really like the word “beauty”. There are physically beautiful people in the world (David Beckham, for instance, is unbelievab­ly beautiful), then there are other people that are not beautiful, but are very attractive because of their personalit­y, energy, brilliance, genius: all kinds of things.

‘So I have a resistance to the word “beautiful”. I wish we could find another word that takes it away from physical beauty and brings it more into the world of true attractive­ness.’

Dame Helen also told of her shock at being asked to be the face of l’Oreal. ‘I was surprised — but flattered as I am a fan of the brand and its products.

‘I love make-up. I’m often seen prowling the aisles of various chemists all over the world looking for a new lipstick or a new mascara, so to become a spokespers­on for a major cosmetics firm is very exciting.

‘I think l’Oreal’s slogan “Because I’m Worth It” really strikes a chord with women. Self-esteem is such a hugely important thing and it’s so difficult for all of us.

‘ everybody has moments of massive insecurity and I think anything that makes you feel more confident and more secure in yourself is a great thing. It’s tough for a lot of women with busy schedules or limited resources: they are incredibly busy and have difficult lives. To stop for a few seconds to say: “You know what, I can sit down, have a breather, a cup of tea or a bath and think “Yes, I’m worth it, my life is worth it” is so important.

‘ People say to me “Oh, you’re so selfconfid­ent” but I am not naturally selfconfid­ent, I just have had to be in my work and my life. If it’s a problem, it’s my problem — I’ve got to deal with it.’

It’s this refreshing honesty that makes Helen the perfect figurehead for older women. So was there an age at which she started to feel differentl­y about the way she looked?

‘my whole life has been slightly different from most people’s in the sense that I’ve always had to look at images of myself from when I was 21 years old,’ she said.

‘I’ve either been in front of a camera or in the theatre, being photograph­ed, having my picture in the paper, so I’ve grown up with what I look like and ageing has never sort of come as a shock. ‘I’m not obsessive when it comes to looking after my skin. I have always used moisturise­r at night and in the morning — it makes me feel better and to me that’s what I want from it.

‘It doesn’t have to make me look ten years younger: it’s all about how it makes me feel better that day. ‘my biggest beauty advice is just to make sure you clean your skin really well and don’t smoke. I also have to have my eight hours of sleep a night.’

While her new role as an ambassador for the beauty brand hasn’t changed Helen’s skincare regime, what has changed is her hair.

For the initial print campaign, she was given a stylish crop, and her much-admired bright blonde is now maintained using l’Oreal’s new excellence age Perfect hair colour.

‘I have very fine hair so I’ve always been quite careful not to overtreat it. I don’t normally colour or dye it, I like it to grow naturally, but this dye is fantastic. It really does what it says on the box, allows my hair to grow out naturally and is also very easy to use. It’s my new favourite product.

‘Yes, I know it sounds like I’m saying it because of the advertisin­g, but it’s true! The brilliant thing is that it has layers of colour, it’s not one colour that you then need to add highlights on top of.’

So what hair advice would she give to somebody who, like her, is in their 60s?

‘Be bold! Be bold with your cut, really look what young people are doing and copy them — don’t copy what old people are doing.

‘I loved it when I dyed my hair pink. a lot of women get stuck at what they are good at and what they did between the ages of 18 and 28 and they never have the courage to change that.

‘You see women from the Sixties still with their beehives and now they’re in their 70s. You see women from the eighties who still have those eighties hair-dos. my advice is to look at what’s happening now and go with the flow — don’t do what you did when you were 24.

‘ Some people have a classic haircut and it works for them and that’s great, but it’s much better to accept how you look now and then be modern.’

THE Age Perfect range is available nationwide. Visit loreal-paris.co.uk/perfectage. Would you like to emulate Helen’s striking red lipstick but fear that strong shades aren’t for the over 60s? For your chance to have your own Mirren Makeover, email elsa@dailymail.co.uk, attaching a recent picture of yourself.

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 ??  ?? Because she’s worth it: Our exclusive photos of Helen Mirren modelling for L’Oreal
Because she’s worth it: Our exclusive photos of Helen Mirren modelling for L’Oreal

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