Daily Mail

Cream that can perk up a woman’s sex life

- WRITE TO DR SCURR TO CONTACT Dr Scurr with a health query, write to him at Good Health Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT or email drmartin@dailymail.co.uk — including contact details. Dr Scurr cannot enter into personal correspond­ence. His replie

DESPITE being happily married for 45 years, my husband and I struggle to have sex and it is making me miserable.

It has become too uncomforta­ble since the menopause — I used to be on HRT but my doctor doesn’t want to prescribe this any more as she’s worried about me getting cancer.

Are we older women supposed to go without sex because our doctor will not prescribe HRT?


Name and address withheld. HANK you for raising this important issue. I am sympatheti­c to your plight and convinced there is a suitable and effective remedy.

The reason intercours­e is now so difficult and painful is that over the years you have gradually developed a condition called atrophic vaginitis.

This occurs because women’s genital tissue needs the hormone oestrogen for optimum health, and following the menopause your oestrogen production has fallen.

As a result, the lining of the vulva and vagina have lost elasticity and become dry. This can trigger itching, a more frequent need to urinate and recurrent bladder infections.

You are correct in your understand­ing that hormone replacemen­t (HRT) would help, though it would take time, perhaps a few months.

However, your GP is aware there is some evidence of a slightly increased incidence of breast cancer in women taking HRT long-term (the risk drops back to normal within five years of stopping taking it).

This is the reason for her reluctance to prescribe it.

I must stress that the risk from other forms of cancer — womb and ovarian — is minimal.


the solution I propose is that rather than taking tablets that affect the whole body, you use oestrogen gel, cream or pessaries in the vagina on a longterm basis.

It may take two or three months to notice the difference as the tissue needs time to be restored and strengthen.

even then the improvemen­t will continue to build for up to a year, fully restoring the previous feelings and appearance.

The oestrogen will have to be applied every night at first, and once there is an obvious improvemen­t the frequency can be lowered to alternate nights and, eventually, to twice weekly.

I know of no evidence that local treatment in this way has any harmful effect in terms of increasing the risk of breast cancer.

In short, there is no added risk and, therefore, this is a discussion to re-open with your GP as she will be aware that vaginal oestrogen therapy is more effective than HRT pills, which she is determined to avoid.

Studies show symptom relief is significan­tly higher for vaginal treatment versus oestrogen tablets.

I hope that you can, on this basis, persuade your doctor to change her mind. OUR daughter, who is 28 and under enormous pressure to juggle work with two young children, has recently been diagnosed with neuralgia after developing a swollen, painful face. She has been prescribed the painkiller gabapentin and though this dulls the pain slightly, she still has a constant ache.

What are her options for managing this unpleasant condition — and could stress have played a part?

Name and address withheld. How stressful for your daughter and this sounds like a difficult situation for all of you.

Neuralgia is pain caused by damage or irritation to a particular nerve. The most common form of neuralgia that affects the face is trigeminal neuralgia, and it sounds from your descriptio­n as if this may be the type your daughter has.

There is a trigmenial nerve running down each side of the face — it supplies sensory informatio­n to the brain.

The neuralgia is thought to be caused by irritation of the nerve at the base of the brain, perhaps due to an abnormal blood vessel pressing on it.

Pain strikes in bouts, often down one side of the face, and is often described as an electric shock or stabbing sensation.

In an earlier era, this neuralgia was called tic douloureux because it is frequently accompanie­d by spasms involving some of the facial muscles.

It is unusual for it to affect someone as young as your daughter — the condition usually affects the elderly. However, I can find no suggestion in the research that it is connected with stress.

You also tell me in your longer letter that your daughter was diagnosed as a child with ehlersDanl­os syndrome, a genetic disorder characteri­sed by skin stretchine­ss, hypermobil­e joints and fragile tissue. But there is no evidence I know of that links this to neuralgia either.

I fear your daughter has simply been very unlucky.

often medication can help with neuralgia. Carbamazep­ine is the best known treatment — it is an epilepsy medication, but also helps nerve pain. evidence from a number of studies suggests it is effective for trigeminal neuralgia.

Your daughter has tried this medication, you tell me, but found the side- effects — such as drowsiness, dizziness and nausea — too much to bear.

The second choice is usually gabapentin, another epilepsy drug. The dose is usually started low then increased until the attacks stop.


this also has potential side- effects such as tiredness, headaches and nausea. In extreme cases, where medication­s have failed to provide any relief, surgery can be considered.

This can relieve pressure on the nerve or deaden the nerve in some way.

one possibilit­y is Gamma Knife radiosurge­ry, a form of highly focused radiothera­py that relieves the neuralgia about a month after the procedure, though the neuralgia can sometimes recur.

All these treatment options should be discussed with a specialist such as a neurologis­t, pain specialist or maxillofac­ial consultant.

You tell me your daughter is seeing the latter. Hopefully, this will provide a resolution to her symptoms, enabling her return to a normal working and family life.

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