Daily Mail

Is it vandalism to rip up cobbleston­es?


HAVING been evacuated to Dunster (Letters), in the war, I’ve always told people how lovely this Somerset village is. It’s now been ruined by having paved walkways in place of its cobbles. Dunster has featured in the Trevor Howard film I See A Dark Stranger, in Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett and an episode of Poirot. No doubt TV companies and movie studios will be put off filming there. The council should be aware that people are more careful walking on cobbles than when walking on paving slabs.

G. I. MARGETTS, Stockport. AFTER the desecratio­n of Dunster, how many other historic places will be subjected to footpath changes? Trafalgar Square? The footpaths around Parliament? My wife and I have travelled to some wonderful places, but Dunster is a favourite. Looking at it now, I wonder about the committee members who decided to change it. Are they illiterate? Horrific is not too strong a word for this outrage. The committee members should consider their positions and start packing their bags.

RON SKIPPER, Leicester. THIS is an act of vandalism by the philistine­s on Dunster’s local council. Here in Enfield, we’ve had miles of perfectly serviceabl­e pavements and attractive bricked pathways in need of the odd stone replacemen­t ripped up and replaced by ugly Tarmac — it is an eyesore and a waste of hundreds of thousands of pounds.

JOHN WILLSHIRE, Enfield, Middx. ANYONE advocating cobbleston­es in place of paving slabs should be forced to sit in a wheelchair while it’s pushed over 100 yards of cobbleston­es. Before they get halfway they’ll be begging to get out. It’s a form of torture.

DEREK TRAYLER, Hornchurch, Essex.

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