Daily Mail

BCC boss calls for new deal on EU

- By James Salmon

THE boss of the British Chambers of Commerce will warn today that support from businesses for the ‘European project’ is not guaranteed.

Speaking at the BCC’s annual conference in Westminist­er, director general John Longworth will lay down a challenge for political leaders ahead of the election, arguing that a ‘new settlement for Britain in Europe is essential’.

Labour has found itself under attack from a succession of captains of industry, who have accused the party of being antibusine­ss.

But it believes David Cameron’s promise for a referendum on EU membership is its trump card, and that firms are too fearful about the prospect of leaving the EU to back a Conservati­ve government.

Longworth will make it clear that whoever wins powers will be expected to thrash out a better deal for Britain in Europe.

He will say that businesses want ‘safeguards against being drawn closer to the eurozone’, adding: ‘Without true reform, business support for the European project is far from guaranteed. A new settlement for Britain in Europe is essential to achieving our economic ambitions – helping our businesses succeed here at home, and across the world.

‘Above all, the debate over Europe must not be hijacked by political ideology. Economic pragmatism – what’s best for Britain, for British business, for our national growth ambitions – must win the day.’

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls will say that while the EU must be reformed, ‘walking away from Europe will be a disaster for Britain’s economy’.

He will accuse Cameron of ‘flirting with exit’ and ‘putting party interest above the national economic interest’.

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