Daily Mail


I RECENTLY shared a letter that explained how the major astrologic­al alignments now influencin­g the world are similar to those we saw during the early 1930s. Reminding us that terrible things are happening, especially (though not exclusivel­y) in the Middl

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ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 AS MARS edges ever closer towards a trine to Saturn, you are being made more aware of your responsibi­lities. That might not be so bad if, at the same time, you had an abundance of resources to draw on while dischargin­g those duties. But you feel as if you are being asked to achieve the impossible while being presented with a series of daunting reminders of just how impossible the situation is. But that’s only how things seem, not how they actually are. Don’t give up. Do you really need to worry about the future? Give me four minutes and i’ll give you the key to a happier life. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS YOU ARE not wading Apr 21 — May 21 through a field of treacle. Or being chased by a flock of vultures. Your situation might not be ideal, but you have to admit, it could be worse. I’m not encouragin­g you to make that concession in the hope it will somehow cause a problem to seem more bearable. I’m just pointing out that, where there are some small mercies now, there may be others hiding just out of sight. You would be wrong to assume your quest is fraught with difficulty. Heavenly help is nearer than you think. i have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message for you: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI FOR ALL that we May 22 — June 22 know, there is far more that we do not know. Either we find that frustratin­g and seek to compensate by vigorously upholding opinions and assumption­s, or we gracefully accept that life is full of surprises — and prepare ourselves to be pleasantly surprised. If you were sure of the right thing to do or the best way to proceed, you would take decisive action. Your doubt is allowing you to ask more questions. This may yet give rise to valuable answers. Need to change your life? One quick call costs less than coffee and a cake but it will make everything feel better. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER WE DO some June 23 — July 23 things because we feel inspired. We do others because we feel we ought to. Cancerians tend to do more of the latter. Is this because you do not entirely trust yourself to act on inspiratio­n? That’s not unreasonab­le. Inspiratio­n can be born of greed, need or selfishnes­s. Obligation may be a far less glamorous motivating force, but it has a comforting side-effect. When we act out of duty, others usually benefit. They then show us gratitude. Even so, you need not make yourself a martyr. Do you really need to worry about the future? Give me four minutes and i’ll give you the key to a happier life. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO YOU don’t really know July 24 — Aug 23 how bad a situation is. You only know how bad you fear it could get. That is an unfair assessment based on anxiety, lack of self-belief and, perhaps, an overactive imaginatio­n. And if you don’t know how bad a situation is, you also don’t know how good it could be. What if your fortunes were about to turn on a sixpence? What if the best outcome to a process was about to mysterious­ly occur? You owe it to yourself — and to your future — to envisage the most hopeful scenario. i have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message for you: 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO ARE you in a good Aug 24 — Sep 23 position? Be careful how you answer. A person could be in an enviable situation, blessed with every advantage, but if they do not have their wits about them and the right opportunit­y fails to arise, what good will this do? Or they could be struggling to keep their head above water while a shark tries to bite their foot. But if it just so happens that a passing helicopter is dangling a ladder on to the water, very close to their outstretch­ed arm, then the latter is the more likely winner. Believe in yourself. Need to change your life? One quick call costs less than coffee and a cake but it will make everything feel better. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 IF SOMEONE is smartly dressed in every respect bar one, like they are wearing a nice suit with scuffed shoes, what does that tell us? That we are being mean-spirited and fussy? Or that they have had some difficulty in assessing their own appearance before they ventured out into the world? Little things are not always trivial. Think of Sherlock Holmes, for example, who made a career out of noticing them. They often speak volumes about much bigger things. Trust what you observe. Do you really need to worry about the future? Give me four minutes and i’ll give you the key to a happier life. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO IMAGINE if Oct 24 — Nov 22 someone were to place a clothes peg over your nose and a blindfold over your eyes. That is outrageous. How dare they! What justificat­ion can there be for it? Yet what effect do our fears and misgivings have on us when we take them too seriously? They make it hard for us to appreciate beauty in our surroundin­gs. They interfere, too, with our ability to stop and smell the roses. Deliberate­ly defy the inner voice of doom and doubt that seeks to deprive you of joy. It has no right — or reason. i have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message for you: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S SHOULD Nov 23 — Dec 21 we always avoid making sudden moves? That depends on whether those moves are the result of a wild impulse or represent the culminatio­n of some process of contemplat­ion. Genuine opportunit­ies rarely deserves arise to just be taken, once. it But presents when a itself chance in a way that makes just as much sense to the head as to the heart. Having applied much careful considerat­ion to a delicate issue, this may be a highly appropriat­e time to move forward. Need to change your life? One quick call costs less than coffee and a cake but it will make everything feel better. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN YESTERDAY, Dec 22 — Jan 20 we spoke about learning to ride a bike. You remain under the influence of a similar cosmic climate, so let us have an analogy about learning to swim. One moment you couldn’t, the next you could. How did that happen? I expect a learned academic could probably fill an entire thesis with extremely complicate­d sentences and we would still be none the wiser. But then, it isn’t an understand­ing that you are looking for. It is just a different sense of balance. You will find that soon enough. Do you really need to worry about the future? Give me four minutes and i’ll give you the key to a happier life. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS DO ANY of us Jan 21 — Feb 19 really ever listen to each other? Most communicat­ion is neither aural nor oral. It involves neither words alone, nor intonation­s. Even body language says only a little. It is rather as if we humans are deeply instinctiv­e, intuitive, almost psychic. From even so much as a glimpse, we can usually discern another’s true meaning and intention. If you can’t understand what someone is trying to tell you, perhaps this is because it contains a message you don’t feel ready to hear. i have important news about the big changes due in your life. Pick up the phone for a very special message for you: 0906 751 5611.

PISCES YOU already have Feb 20 — Mar 20 what you need. Place a higher value on this. Just as a car is useless without a map and a destinatio­n, an ability you possess must be pressed purposeful­ly into service if it is ever to bring a reward. You have the equivalent of a fine vehicle or a great skill. Have more faith in it and in yourself. Then make the same point to someone nearby who seems lost and confused. The chances are high that they are suffering from the same simple complaint which can be just as easily remedied. Need to change your life? One quick call costs less than coffee and a cake but it will make everything feel better. Call 0906 751 5612.

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