Daily Mail

Spencer grants two cheers for Osborne’s rule

- By Hugo Duncan

PETER Spencer will not give George Osborne marks out of ten – but instead says the Chancellor deserves ‘ two cheers’ for his stewardshi­p of the British economy.

‘It is not three cheers,’ says the 65-yearold flying enthusiast. ‘It is two cheers. And to tell you the truth, you would give him three cheers, but it is hard to give any chancellor who is presiding over an £89bn deficit three cheers.’

His trade union, he jokes, ‘does not allow me to do that’.

But in comments that will delight the Tories, the former Treasury mandarin says ‘even Neil Kinnock’ would have been a safer pair of hands as Prime Minister than Ed Miliband because ‘he knew the way the world worked’.

Spencer is chief economic advisor to the highly respected Ernst & Young Item Club, one of Britain’s leading economic think tanks, as well as professor of economics and finance at the University of York.

He bemoans the Coalition’s failure to invest in infrastruc­ture – ‘they could have done a lot more… surely there is infrastruc­ture that can be built to help the efficiency of the economy and make our lives a little bit easier’ – but says Osborne has got most of the big decisions right. ‘It is very hard to think of mistakes that they have made,’ he says.

As Spencer points out, the deficit hit a record £153bn in 2009-10 under Labour, and has halved as a percentage of national income under the Coalition from around 10pc to 5pc. ‘They inherited this disaster zone… a very ugly looking economy,’ says Spencer. ‘The cupboard was completely bare. So it is not surprising they have only got half way there.’

The Item Club’s pre-Budget forecasts, and Spencer’s commentary, will be pored over by the City and Westminste­r when they are published in the coming days.

Spencer, who started his career as an economic advisor to the Treasury in 1975, believes Osborne will have a good story to tell in his sixth and final Budget before the General Election in May.

The Item Club, which uses the Treasury’s model of the UK economy, reckons the Office for Budget Responsibi­lity will raise its economic growth forecasts for this year and next and pencil in lower borrowing than predicted at the Autumn Statement in December.

The economy looks set to grow by 2.9pc this year and again next year, according to Spencer, compared with the OBR’s forecasts of 2.4pc and 2.2pc. Borrowing will fall by more than expected, from £97.5bn last year to £89bn this year rather than the £91.3bn outlined in the Autumn Statement, Spencer adds. And the surplus projected for 201920 – the final year before the 2020 election – will exceed the £23bn Osborne has been planning by ‘a fair distance’.

‘The improvemen­t to the economy and to the public finances is impressive,’ says Spencer, who spent ten years working as an economist in the City after leaving the Treasury in 1986. ‘But the more intriguing thing is what he will be able to do with the extra money.’

Spencer believes ‘the economic constraint­s have eased quite sig- nificantly but the political constraint­s are really very tight’ giving Osborne little room for manoeuvre. The Chancellor, he believes, will struggle to get the Liberal Democrats to agree on much this close to polling day. He will therefore save any money he has to spend for the Tory manifesto.

‘If you have got any money, you hold it back for the manifesto,’ says Spencer. ‘An increase in the inheritanc­e tax threshold is something that would be a very juicy addition to their manifesto.’

Osborne will also be wary of suggesting the job is done and that it is safe to return to Labour. He will, Spencer says, urge voters to ‘stick with us’ with the promise of better times ahead. ‘He is not saying job done,’ says Spencer. ‘He is saying job half done. He doesn’t want people to think that he has cleared up the Labour situation. He wants to promise paradise postponed.’

Spencer does not rule out ‘some gimmickry’ and expects the Chancellor to ‘play all sorts of little tricks’ in the Budget. A further increase in the personal allowance – the point at which people start paying income tax – is on the cards.

But Osborne has endured mixed fortunes since getting the keys to 11 Downing Street. ‘The killer has been the euro crisis,’ says Spencer. ‘That set the recovery back at least two years. The European backdrop has been terrible.’

But the collapse in the oil price has come ‘in the nick of time’ – boosting the economy and the public finances as wages pick up and inflation falls.

‘It just puts a huge amount of money in people’s pockets and spending power is dramatical­ly increased,’ says Spencer, who adds that lower oil prices should also lead to more business investment this year, boosting the long-term potential of the economy.

But the biggest success has been in the labour market where employment has hit a record high and unemployme­nt has tumbled.

‘The labour market has functioned superbly well,’ enthuses Spencer. ‘The price has been very low growth in wages and falls in real wages, but had we had the normal labour market response then unemployme­nt would have been awesome and the bills for unemployme­nt would have been astronomic.’

Spencer says that ‘for the first time’ he is worried about the prospects of a Labour government. ‘This is the first election where I have not been able to wholeheart­edly support Labour’s policies,’ he says. ‘Labour used to be quite concerned about the way the economy actually works. Labour’s heart has always been in the right place. No question. But they do have a little bit of a problem in understand­ing the way the world works.

‘Tony Blair didn’t. John Smith didn’t. Even Neil Kinnock – OK, he couldn’t walk down the beach without falling over, but he knew the way the world worked. But I do I wonder about some of them.’

SPENCER believes the problem is the ‘mind-set’ of Ed Miliband. ‘It is a completely unrealisti­c attitude to what makes people think and work and makes the economy function,’ he says. ‘What I have seen and heard makes me concerned. I’d be concerned about a Miliband administra­tion. I really would.’

Spencer says it would be wise for the next government to run a surplus. ‘There are two reasons why the next chancellor has to think very seriously about running a surplus,’ he says. ‘The first is to get the debt ratio down so he or she can combat another financial crisis. The other reason is because the pressure on public expenditur­e come the 2020s is going to be awesome.’

He points out that the cost of healthcare and pensions is set to soar in the coming decades as people live longer, meaning restraint is needed now. In the Autumn Statement, Osborne outlined plans to cut spending to 35.2pc of national income – the lowest level since the 1930s – provoking howls of protest from Labour and the unions.

But Spencer says the improving outlook means the books can be balanced ‘ without the kind of Armageddon to the public services’ that critics complained about. He also argues ‘it remains to be seen’ whether it is wise for the state to be spending 40pc of GDP on public services before the ‘really big bills’ associated with long-term healthcare bite in the 2020s.

Spencer is optimistic, however, as the improved outlook for the economy and the public finances eases the burden somewhat. ‘I no longer lose sleep over it,’ he says.

He adds: ‘The prospects for the next government are a lot less daunting. Although this chancellor can’t go to the electorate to say “job done”, the next chancellor will be able to. This is by far the best outlook we have seen since the Budget of 2007 which was the last one before the crisis.’

 ??  ?? Optimistic: Peter Spencer, chief economist at Ernst & Young Item Club, praises the Chancellor
Optimistic: Peter Spencer, chief economist at Ernst & Young Item Club, praises the Chancellor
 ??  ?? Historic fall: Neil Kinnock in 1983
Historic fall: Neil Kinnock in 1983

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