Daily Mail

Jailed again, heir to £130m who left toddler paralysed


THE son of a multi-millionair­e food tycoon has been jailed again – this time for kicking a man to the ground.

Antonio Boparan Singh was sentenced to a year in prison after pleading guilty to inflicting actual bodily harm during a bar brawl in which two men were punched, kicked and one was hit with a champagne glass.

Singh, heir to a £130million chicken fortune, has already served six months in jail for causing horrific injuries to a baby in a car accident. One-year-old Cerys Edwards was left brain damaged and paralysed after Singh crashed while travelling at 72mph in 30mph zone in 2006. Singh was convicted of dangerous driving in 2008.

His latest sentence comes after a fight broke out at Birmingham’s upmarket Nuvo bar last April. The 28year-old pleaded guilty to one count of inflicting actual bodily harm and violent disorder at Birmingham Crown Court in February, and was given one year in jail on Friday.

During the fracas, 22-year-old Jarondeep Kooner was slashed across the face with a champagne flute by Theodore Mullings-Fairweathe­r, 25, who then repeatedly kicked and stamped on the man as he lay on the floor.

Singh, from Little Aston in the West Midlands, then left the venue with Mullings-Fairweathe­r, also accompanie­d by Edward Ansah and Nathan Pringle. As they walked down a nearby street the group saw 31-year-old Harprit Singh with his shirt ripped.

Assuming him to be part of the group involved in the fight, Mullings-Fairweathe­r and Singh punched and kicked him to the ground before run- ning off. The minute-long attack was captured on CCTV and left both victims requiring hospital treatment. Mr Kooner suffered a fractured eye socket and has since lost the use of his eye.

Mullings-Fairweathe­r, from Selly Oak in Birmingham, admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm and causing grievous bodily harm with intent and was jailed for eight years. Pringle, 32, from Erdington in the city and Ansah, 24, from Sutton Coldfield, both admitted violent disorder and were given 18 months imprisonme­nt.

Addressing Singh, Judge Simon Drew QC said: ‘The assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm took place after the violent assault and was a gratuitous attack.’

Singh’s parents Ranjit and Baljinder Boparan run the 2 Sisters Food Group, which has an annual sales of some £3.4billion.

 ??  ?? Boparan Singh, right, with his father
Boparan Singh, right, with his father

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