Daily Mail

Can a pinch of ginger banish arthritis pain?


DRIED ginger may help knee arthritis, suggest Iranian doctors.

New research based on 120 men and women with osteoarthr­itis pain in the knee found that taking 1g of ginger powder daily significan­tly reduced inflammati­on compared with a placebo pill.

Results show that in the patients taking ginger, the drop in nitric oxide and C‑reactive protein, markers of inflammati­on, was 60 per cent greater than in the placebo group.

It’s thought compounds in ginger — gingerols and shogaols — act as anti‑inflammato­ries.

The researcher­s, from Yazd University of Medical Sciences in Iran, concluded that ginger is a suitable sup‑ plement for people with knee arthritis, although more work is needed to assess if this then reduces pain.

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