Daily Mail

Kate Moss has right idea on short-termism

- James Dowey is chief economist at Neptune Investment Management By James Dowey

NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels, said supermodel Kate Moss, who is not often credited for her insights into policy-making.

Perhaps she should be. In politics, as in matters of diet, the course of action that is the best over the long term is often not the most desirable course of action in the short term.

Add the instant gratificat­ion of the democratic electoral cycle and, instead of good policy-making, you sometimes get the equivalent of a midnight binge in front of the fridge.

As the General Election approaches, this vivre l’instant mentality is even more evident than it usually is – and that goes for all the parties. On repairing government finances, both the Conservati­ves and Labour have promised to eliminate the deficit within the next parliament, yet neither has dared, pre-election, to provide enough detail for us to understand how they will achieve it. ‘ Lord make me chaste, but not yet!’ said St Augustine.

Whether you judge the eliminatio­n of the deficit to be a wise goal or not, it certainly takes an act of faith to believe any of those deficit projection­s.

Possibly the most harmful case of short-termism in UK politics today concerns housing policy in and around London. The ratio of the average house price to average income in London today is 11, compared with four back in 1997. Given that mortgage lenders today rarely lend more than 4.5 times a borrower’s income, this means that if they don’t already own one, an average couple working in London can no longer afford to buy a family home in the city they work in.

Short- term, politicall­y expedient demand-side policies such as Help to Buy in the place of a lasting supply side fix have only pushed prices higher and made the problem bigger. It’s now as big as they come.

But can we do any better than this? Can we encourage politician­s to take a leaf out of Moss’s book and take the longer view?

Well, first we have to admit to ourselves that at the end of the day we get the gov- ernment we deserve. We cast the votes and government policy is short-termist because society overall is. But this doesn’t make binge policy-making right. The modern government’s main role should be to fix market failures such as shorttermi­sm, so society’s shortsight­edness is all the more reason for policy to push in the opposite direction.

Some economists have suggested taking fiscal policy away from politician­s so as to bake into law the long view on this aspect of policy-making, in a similar way to which monetary policy was removed from the sphere of political influence in 1997 when the Bank of England was given operationa­l independen­ce.

But this is a step too far away from democratic principles. Churchill’s famous dictum expressed in 1947 that ‘ Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time’ is as true today as it was then, and certain aspects of governing, including the decision of how much to tax and spend, must be subject to the renewed approval and changing needs of society.

However, a useful step would be a regularly recurring, mandatory, cross-party commission on long-term policy issues, in collaborat­ion with the Office for Budget Responsibi­lity, which would provide a nonpartisa­n costing of prospectiv­e policies.

TO be sure, we would probably still attach too much relative weight to policies with short-term payoffs, but at least there would be a regular formal mechanism for political debate concerning the longer term and a common set of assumption­s about the costs and benefits of prospectiv­e policies that the public could base its electoral decision on.

Such a mechanism might, for instance, have de- stigmatise­d policy that would have allowed a faster rate of home-building during the past couple of decades. More generally, it might just make us a bit more deserving of better policy making, if not model citizens.

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