Daily Mail

We women know you can’t spend what you don’t earn


Areader stopped me in the street this week. ‘I’m frightened,’ she said, grabbing hold of my arm, ‘of what will happen to my children and grandchild­ren if ed Miliband wins’.

I assumed this middle-aged lady was a true blue Tory, but she wasn’t. She explained that she was one of the 40 per cent of people who had been undecided, but was now certain that what matters most at this election is the future health of our economy, and she really did fear that in Miliband’s hands it would be wrecked — again.

Most of my girlfriend­s, their mums and grandmothe­rs, share the same fear. They’re not interested in tribal politics, they’re just sensible women who put their families and their children’s future first.

Like me, they have simply come to realise that under Miliband, our children would be saddled with a lifetime’s crippling debt — a thought that’s enough to stir anyone’s maternal instincts.

Which is why I firmly hope — indeed, I believe — that it is women who will carry david Cameron to victory next Thursday. Because it is women who invariably manage the household budgets, who know the value of every hard- earned penny and who are terrified of getting into debt. and over the past few weeks, we’ve come to realise that Miliband doesn’t begin to understand such basic house-keeping.

But then I suspect he despises the middle classes, while living in a £2.7 million home with his joint household income of more than £300,000.

We now know that he would take this country back to a disastrous Seventies state-controlled economy, with punitive taxes for all those who’ve worked damned hard to earn a decent income. and we know that his bedfellows would be the strident bully-boy unions such as Unite, and the SNP who want to destroy this country and impose their mad ultra-socialist views on the rest of us.

MaKe no mistake, red ed wants to grab money back from those who’ve worked and saved hardest, to hand to his client base in the public sector and on benefits street. Is it any wonder, then, that women like the one who stopped me this week are so frightened?

I have been among david Cameron’s fiercest critics. But at last, in these final stages of the campaign, he has shown that he is a true Conservati­ve; that he passionate­ly shares our family values of hard work, self-reliance, and aspiration while always providing a safety net for those truly in need.

Tony Blair won the 1997 election claiming the country had 24 hours to save the NHS. as Cameron brilliantl­y argued on Thursday’s Question Time, without a strong economy our Health Service cannot survive at all.

Now we women have five days left to ensure our children aren’t blighted by debt — and we can only do that by voting Tory.

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