Daily Mail

Website that tells you how old you really look

- By Sam Creighton

In the age of the selfie, it was always going to be an irresistib­le prospect.

A website that tells you how old you look by analysing your photo has gone viral, with millions posting the results on social media.

Microsoft’s www.how-old.net caused a sensation after members of the public started using its search facility to see how old the site thought celebritie­s were.

Some stars are sure to be over the moon with the results.

Dame helen Mirren supposedly looks 55, 14 years younger than her true age, while Madonna fared even better. She was judged to have the face of a 37-year-old, shaving 19 years off her actual age.

Meanwhile reality TV star Kim Kardashian scored 27 years against her real age of 34.

But others may want to reach for the antiwrinkl­e cream. David Beckham, who is 40 today, was judged to be 45. And Jeremy Clarkson looks a massive 16 years older than his 55 years, according one analysis by the site. But Brad Pitt, 51, apparently looks two years younger.

The website app, which was launched only on Thursday, works by analysing 27 points on the face called ‘landmarks’, for example around the edges of the eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth. It looks at the distance between the landmarks, which will change position ever so slightly as the skin loses elasticity as we age. For example the eyes might appear smaller and the lips thinner. The site then compares the results to average measuremen­ts, and puts a final age on the individual. Microsoft accepts that the results will not be 100 per cent accurate but claims they should have a high success rate at guessing close to someone’s real age.

The popularity of the site could wane however after it emerged that anyone who uploads their picture is in fact giving permission for Microsoft to publish it elsewhere along with their name.

Microsoft stops short of claiming ownership of the image in its terms and conditions but many of the website’s users are still likely to be alarmed. however, many users who have already published photograph­s of themselves on the internet will be able to use the site without uploading a new picture. All you have to do is type your name into the search box to bring up existing images.

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