Daily Mail

Waiting on a vote of confidence

Jitters over government contracts


THE public sector last year spent £737bn. To put that into context, it equates to 38pc of the market value of the FTSE 100 companies, or 41pc of the annual output of the economy.

Even under the most ambitious deficit reduction plan on offer at this General Election, it is forecast the public sector will grow to spend almost £800bn per annum by 2020 – so almost regardless of the election result, the public sector will spend a cumulative £3.75trillion over the next five years.

How this colossal amount of money is allocated is highly relevant to shareholde­rs of firms spanning a wide range of sectors.

So who will be the winners and losers from a post-election Budget and spending review?

Whether the next government is led by the Conservati­ves or Labour, they are likely to need to secure support from across party lines to be able to govern.

Compromise politics will probably be the order of the day and this lends itself to a strong regional flavour to public sector spending.

This localisati­on favours smaller UK- centred businesses, many of which sit outside the FTSE 100 and can more readily compete for the smaller-scale public sector contracts.

Reinforcin­g this trend, the current government has successful­ly increased the proportion of contracts going to small and medium firms in this Parliament – with the Conservati­ves committing to raising this to 33pc in the next one.

It has been clear from this election campaign that not all areas of public spending will face equal pressures during the next Parliament. The Institute for Fiscal Studies notes that the spending plans of all the major parties leave ‘much unanswered’. They are not kidding. The lack of clarity leaves voters – and shareholde­rs – uncertain on how to position themselves.

So let’s start with those areas of spending that we can predict with a fair degree of certainty.

The major parties have committed to ring-fence NHS spending and most pensioner benefits. This is one of the structural changes in government spending that will support firms within the healthcare sector, such as Spire Healthcare.

It also mirrors a trend across the world where the baby boomers are reaching retirement, which will spark a huge shift in spending.

Consumptio­n is shifting in favour of the providers of care services and, in particular, pharmaceut­icals.

Looking at other sectors, the public appetite for house building is on the rise after years where this was a toxic local issue. We like Redrow and Bovis Homes.

By contrast with these growth sectors, we expect government spending to fall in real terms across the areas that lack a protected commitment, such as the defence and justice budgets.

Outsourcin­g firms exposed to spending by these department­s will feel the squeeze to both their margins on existing contracts and in the forward pipeline, with companies such as Serco at risk

On transport, some of the recent language from Labour shadow transport secretary Michael Dugher is enough to have investors running for the hills. A state-owned quango threatenin­g to compete for rail franchises – this is alarming, and Stagecoach is among those exposed.

Despite these headwinds, the outsourcin­g sector has reacted well to five years during which Francis Maude and Danny Alexander have led the Coalition’s attempts to drive efficiency in government spending – and saved £20bn in the process. During the next Parliament a similar magnitude of savings will need to be made – and the outsourcin­g sector has much to offer a cost-conscious government seeking to deliver public services at fair value to the taxpayer.

The outlook for the sector hinges on whether outsourcin­g is approached as part of the way to deliver better public services, rather than being seen as an impediment.

So investors will have their fingers crossed that the Conservati­ves are returned on May 7.

Simon French is senior UK economist at Panmure Gordon

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