Daily Mail

Ukip surge ... but they’re only on course for 2 MPs


UKIP last night demanded radical changes to the electoral system following a massive surge in the numbers voting for them.

Deputy leader Paul Nuttall said the first-past-the-post system was an ‘affront to democracy’ and needed to be scrapped because his party expected to scoop up millions of votes without a breakthrou­gh in Westminste­r seats.

Despite expectatio­ns that Ukip could get 10-1 per cent of the vote, the exit poll suggested it would only get two seats – less than 0. per cent of those up for grabs.

Party sources said they believed Ukip could become the principal challenger to Labour in parts of the Midlands and the North, with up to 100 second-place finishes – a significan­t milestone after it achieved none in 2010.

In Houghton & Sunderland South, it came second, overtaking the Tories, while early declaratio­ns in the North East saw its share soar to nearly 20 per cent in some seats. Mr Nuttall said: ‘If we get four million votes tonight and six or seven seats, the issue of electoral reform will have to be back on the agenda. You could end up with the situation whereby the Liberal Democrats could get half our vote but come in with around 2 seats. I hope this will be the last election with the first-past-the-post system, which was designed for two parties.’

Leader Nigel Farage, who wants proprtiona­l voting, said there would be ‘great anger’ if the party did not get many MPs despite a significan­t rise in support.

But he was last night facing the ‘fight of his political life’ to win in Thanet South in his seventh attempt to get into Parliament.

He had pledged to step down as party leader ‘within ten minutes’ if he lost. He appeared to be preparing for defeat as he said: ‘I hope when I am dead and gone future generation­s are proud of me.’

 ??  ?? Pledge: Ukip’s Nigel Farage
Pledge: Ukip’s Nigel Farage

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