Daily Mail

...as ballot box blunders leave thousands fuming across UK


FURIOUS voters fell victim to ‘inexcusabl­e’ ballot chaos yesterday after mistakes were made across the UK.

Around 100 voters turned up to polling stations in Hackney, East London, to find they were not on the list – despite having registered online. They were instructed to travel to the borough’s town hall to be issued with a new registrati­on number, however many had limited time so missed out on casting their ballot.

Jimmy Lloyd, a 30-year-old writer who has lived in Hackney for six years, said he couldn’t vote as a result of the problems. ‘I can’t wait around to see if the council get themselves organised,’ he said. ‘So I’m missing out this time.’

Hackney North MP Diane Abbott said voters had been ‘let down’. The council and Electoral Commission blamed a local computer problem for the error.

In Bournemout­h, a further 100 people were turned away from polling stations because of an administra­tive blunder that led to the wrong ballot papers being issued. One first time voter was left in tears of disappoint­ment as she described her ‘devastatio­n’ at being denied ‘such a basic right’.

Some 3,000 people in Hounslow faced disruption after their polling cards sent them to the wrong stations. The council then sent shuttle buses to ferry them to the right places.

And Ukip candidate David Hodgson was furious after his name was left off 89 ballot papers in Darlington. He described the mistake as ‘absolutely inexcusabl­e’, adding: ‘I’ve not got a clue what happens now but I’m guessing the only way to resolve it is for it to be re-run.’

Meanwhile in Milton Keynes, serious questions were raised after more than four times the expected number of postal ballot papers arrived. Some 18 boxes arrived instead of the anticipate­d four, leaving council staff appealing for more help counting votes.

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