Daily Mail

Russian spacecraft set to crash back to Earth… near Margate!

- By Ben Spencer Science Reporter

PARTS of a Russian spacecraft hurtling towards Earth could crash into the seas just off the Kent coast this morning, experts have warned.

The £30million ship, which was last night spinning out of control at 17,000mph, is expected to burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere shortly before 9am today. But there is a chance that some larger fragments of the seven-ton vessel will make it through the atmosphere and crash into the sea.

The North American Aerospace Defence Command predicts it will re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere above the North Sea, close to the Thames Estuary. Based on its trajectory, they have plotted re-entry for 8.59am, 15 miles north of Margate in Kent and 20 miles south-east of Clacton in Essex.

However, because of the ship’s speed, a minor miscalcula­tion could mean it actually ends up crashing into a spot thousands of miles away. The cargo ship blasted off from Kazakhstan on April 28, carrying supplies for the Internatio­nal Space Station. But it spun out of control after a communicat­ions failure moments after the launch, and for the last ten days has been hurtling around the Earth once every 90 minutes.

A Russian Space Agency spokesman said: ‘The space ship will completely burn up in the layers of the atmosphere and only a few small parts of its constructi­on could reach the surface of our planet.’

The European Space Agency last night disagreed with Norad’s calculatio­ns and said the spaceship was more likely to hit the atmosphere either late last night or in the early hours of this morning. It said the likelihood for a re-entry over Europe had dropped significan­tly.

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