Daily Mail

Did Tiger’s ski girl dump him after a ‘relapse in sex department’?

- Mail Foreign Service

WHEN Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn split up this month, the Olympic skier blamed it on their ‘incredibly hectic lives that force us to spend a majority of our time apart’.

But it was claimed yesterday that during one time apart, 39-year-old Woods cheated on Vonn with a ‘faceless, nameless woman’.

A friend of his told MailOnline: ‘He had a relapse in the sex department.’

The news comes five years after he was divorced by Swedish model Elin Nordegren, 35, the mother of his two children, after it emerged that he had a string of affairs with up to 120 mistresses, including prostitute­s, porn stars and strippers.

Now it seems that he was also incapable of being faithful to Vonn, 30, a four-time World Cup ski champion and Olympic gold medallist. The source said: ‘Why would she think her Tiger would change its stripes? She knew what she was in for.’

It was after Woods was eliminated from the Farmers Insurance Open in San Diego in February that he had a one-night stand, his friend claimed.

He added: ‘Tiger isn’t married, he doesn’t really drink or do drugs. Most men would drink over such losses – Tiger has sex over it, usually with local hookers he pays exorbitant amounts to, probably so they will want repeat business and won’t tell.

‘When Tiger realised he was seen, he decided to confess to Lindsey – something he didn’t do with Elin. It wasn’t with anyone special. He really wanted Lindsey to be the one. But he blew it. He can’t help himself. He’s got an addiction. He relapsed.

‘Knowing Tiger, he doesn’t even see it as cheating because there’s no romance or feeling there. It’s just a stress reliever.’

Sources say he came clean after Vonn was reluctantl­y persuaded to go with Woods to a therapy session.

The friend said: ‘ She worried for him... and wanted to support him.

‘She went... that’s when he confessed, but it backfired.

‘She didn’t walk out of the session but she walked out on him.’

The source told MailOnline that despite pleas from friends and family to continue the therapy sessions he started after his divorce, Woods had stopped going completely, leading to the ‘one-time slip’.

The friend added: ‘He doesn’t see it as cheating. It’s hard for him to see that he’s bad. He’s not married to Lindsey. But he won’t get her back.’

Vonn was already said to be annoyed with the lack of commitment he showed. The friend said: ‘She always flew in to be by his side, but he rarely flew to be by her side.

‘She started to see how Tiger’s really obsessed with himself, his game, making money, controllin­g everything around him. The girlfriend takes a back seat. This started to bother her. She was turning into a golf wife, and she’s not – she’s an Olympian.’

Vonn is also said to have found him tedious. The source added: ‘He’s sometimes very boring. He’s got nothing going on in his head sometimes.’

When contacted by the Daily Mail last night, a spokesman for Tiger Woods declined to comment.

‘She knew what she was in for’

 ??  ?? Glamour couple: Tiger Woods and ski champion Lindsey Vonn
Glamour couple: Tiger Woods and ski champion Lindsey Vonn

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