Daily Mail

Get our free guide and write your will today

- By Emily Davies

THE number of families disputing an inheritanc­e is soaring over bust-ups about to whom a loved one left their nest egg.

Figures show 861 inheritanc­e cases were heard in the High Court in 2013 compared with 490 in 2012 — a 76 pc increase.

And when new figures become available, the number is expected to increase again. Soaring house prices and the complicate­d nature of modern families — with second marriages and estranged children now common — are thought to be at the heart of the startling rise.

Not having an up-to- date will, or failing to plan for your old age or illness, are often what can spark these arguments. So the only way to ensure your finances are looked after in the way you want is to write a will and take out a lasting power of attorney.

This allows you legally to appoint the people you trust most to make decisions on your behalf, should you no longer wish to do so or if you become unable to make the decisions yourself. Without a lasting power of attorney, your loved ones will find it very difficult to manage your affairs for you, as they do not have legal authority to do so.

It was seeing a relative go through the heart- breaking stages of dementia that convinced David and Julia Rablin that they needed to sort out their affairs.

The couple, from Chichester, West Sussex, wanted the peace of mind of knowing that, should the worst happen, their three children would be able to manage the family’s finances and take important decisions about their care.

So they set up a lasting power of attorney that would allow this to happen.

David, 68, had worked for a major insurance company and so already appreciate­d the importance of planning for the future. He’d set up his will and funeral plans, but wanted that extra peace of mind that a power of attorney would give.

‘ When a family member of ours began suffering from Alzheimer’s disease at a very young age, I started researchin­g what we’d need to do if the same things happened,’ he says.

‘It was only when I began looking into a lasting power of attorney on the internet that I realised it affects all sorts of people.

‘ It is not just for people with dementia, but soldiers serving abroad who want someone to manage their bank account, or even unmarried couples can run into difficulti­es. It’s really given us peace of mind.’

There are currently 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, in the next decade this could increase to over one million and, by 2051, to two million. At the same time, nearly 300,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year — a significan­t number of whom will be unable to manage their finances at some point during their illness, according to research by the charity Macmillan.

It is estimated only one in four cancer sufferers sets up one. By contrast, latest figures showed 246,000 power of attorneys were registered in 2013 and around half of Britons have never made a will.

Part of the reason for this is that it can be complicate­d. Both are legal documents. You can write a will yourself — for example, a DIY will-writing kit can cost as little as £9.99 from a High Street store.

But this is fraught with danger. In your will, you may use language that is wrong or too vague, or misspell something.

You also risk not getting it witnessed properly, with the result that your estate may not go to your intended beneficiar­ies. More importantl­y, you may not realise the legal consequenc­es of anything you say, and your relatives will have to live with the repercussi­ons.

With a lasting power of attorney you may make a mistake signing the forms, so when someone needs to help you, the form is actually useless. At this point, it would be too late to fill out another one. This can mean going through the courts, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

Money Mail has produced a free guide to help you look after your legacy. Written by Money Mail editor James Coney, it takes you through the steps of how to write a will and lasting power of attorney.

There are also tips on how to get help if you need it.

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