Daily Mail

Why holier than thou Lefties are utterly maddening


IT’S not possible that every opinion poll was wrong, so there must have been a last-minute swing in the General Election voting pattern — or is the ‘shy Tory’ a reality? In my opinion, definitely. I’m on social media, but limit my ‘friends’ to my main interest, the natural world, particular­ly birdwatchi­ng. During the election campaign, I received many a tweet and Facebook message along the lines of: ‘Support the NHS. Keep the Tories out: vote Labour!’ I quickly tired of the cajoling and I found it strange that I didn’t receive a message from anyone claiming to be a Tory or Ukip supporter. It’s all about perceived virtue: many think that ‘I’m Left-wing’ translates as ‘I’m virtuous — and if you’re Tory, you’re Abrams armed with the rheinmetal­l 120mm smoothbore gun (American descriptio­n M256 A1). These guns invariably lose accuracy over 4,000 metres (including with fin-stabilised rounds).

As for rocket projectile­s, these failed for the Americans with the Shillelagh armed M551 Sheridan light tank and will therefore probably prove ineffectiv­e, or a downright liability, to the russians.

A. G. PEARS (ex-RN lower decker), Smethwick, West Mids. uncaring and selfish.’ A tweet reading: ‘Produce the wealth, balance the books, then we can spend’ doesn’t have the same self-congratula­tory ring as: ‘I believe in a progressiv­e policy’ (whatever that is). Socialism is no longer the great aim — we tried that and it didn’t work — so now it’s the NHS. But I’m tired of hearing that only Labour supports the NHS, while the (evil) Tories want to destroy it. I was treated on the NHS last year, my parents were both cared for by the NHS in their last years, as were both of my sisters before they died, and I appreciate the care we were all given. But day after day I was told to vote Labour because only they care. Those who believe in free speech cared little when Nigel Farage was hounded out of a pub during a family lunch. Anyone who professes on social media to be a Ukip supporter is abused and even threatened. So it really is wisest to keep a low profile. I don’t believe all my naturalist friends are Labour supporters — I suspect some are simply keeping quiet that they’re conservati­ves. I’ve been involved in politics for 40 years. our house has been a Labour Party constituen­cy HQ. I have yet to meet anyone of any political persuasion who is against the NHS, so please stop sending me pointless slogans. I don’t mind arguing economics, ethics or any other subject with a rational opponent, but please, no more moral crusading.

IAN JULIAN, Bournemout­h, Dorset.

 ??  ?? Fed up: Ian Julian is tired of political preaching
Fed up: Ian Julian is tired of political preaching

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