Daily Mail

Put faith in the fight


is The Church of england intent on destroying itself? For well over 50 years, from choirboy to chairman of a parochial church council, i’ve watched the decay of a once-great institutio­n, slowly crumbling into irrelevanc­e.

From the banning of popular hymns and the mangling of the King James Bible to the offensive and non-Christian introducti­on of women priests and bishops, the Church seems intent on self-destructio­n. The latest absurdity, proposing that God be seen as a woman, comes as no surprise.

Christians — in england and around the world — are under attack, yet the leadership of the Church of england cowers behind the chancel screen instead of standing up for those who, for instance, wish to wear a cross or decline to decorate a cake with a pro-gay marriage slogan.

They should be mounting a crusade to show support for those with the courage to stand their ground. The Church needs brave leadership rather than the supine, craven response we have come to expect.

if those supposed to lead do not have the courage, they should make way for those who believe in Christ and who are prepared to follow his example.

if this does not happen soon, the Church will become nothing more than a footnote in history. For a long time, i have stopped putting myself down as ‘C of e’, and write ‘Christian’ instead.

E.C. COLEMAN, Bishop Norton, Lincs. THAT renewed calls for assisted suicide come on virtually the same day as the female vicars of the Church of england proclaim that God is a ‘she’ is no great surprise.

such shifting of gears was foreseen 100 years ago by Robert hugh Benson, the eton-educated youngest son of the then Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury.

A Roman Catholic convert, Benson wrote Lord Of The World, a dystopian novel, describing the fall of the Church of england, mobile euthanasia ambulances, assisted suicide for the

depressed and a great Maternity goddess erected in westminste­r abbey for obligatory worship by all, instead of Jesus Christ, who is seen by the new powers as a charlatan and a liar.

anyone who resists this new religion is imprisoned — if he’s lucky enough not to be strangled by a mob.

as in our non- fictional world, liberalism instead of truth will have its own natural conclusion. Miss FRANCISCA MARTINEZ,


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