Daily Mail

Put the child first


Denise ROBERTSON might have listened to only one side of the story in describing babies supposedly ‘stolen by the state’ (Mail). i have two adopted children (now adults) and many friends who also adopted babies and young children.

i served on somerset’s County Adoption Panel for several years and was involved with an adoption support group for more than 20 years. Between us, we have years of experience and knowledge of adoption and fostering, locally and nationally.

What we have seen and heard has shown that, far from being ripped from loving families, many babies and children are left with their birth families for far too long by well- meaning social workers supporting and working with families incapable of parenting.

They’re then placed with any member of the family or a friend rather than a loving adoptive family. if, finally, they have to be placed for fostering or adoption, they’re so badly damaged, it’s difficult for even the most skilled and loving adoptive or foster families to improve their lives.

if a birth mother can parent with support or a suitable member of the birth family is able to care for a child, that should be first choice. if that’s not possible and it’s in the child’s best interests, adoption should be considered.

social workers don’t always get it right. They have enormous workloads and have to make very difficult decisions, but i’ve never heard of a social worker being influenced by the amount of money their department will get from placing a child for adoption.

in every case, the main considerat­ion should be what’s in the best interests of each child and not the birth families or adopters.

ROZ MEIKLE, Taunton, Somerset.

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