Daily Mail

Eurozone risks a catastroph­ic Greek accident

- By Alex Brummer

TIMETABLES and deadlines are an obsession of wire services and 24hour television when in the middle of a financial tumult. And so it has been with the crisis in Greece.

Now the shock of the ‘No’ vote from Greece’s plebiscite has been absorbed, all eyes are on what happens next. On the horizon are meetings of the European Central Bank (ECB) on the emergency lending facility for the Greek central bank, today’s eurogroup meeting and July 20 when Athens is due to repay €3.6bn of bonds to the ECB.

What we have learned in recent weeks is that, in reality, most deadlines are meaningles­s. Greece has missed two Internatio­nal Monetary Fund targets, on June 6 and June 30, for debt repayments, and the roof didn’t fall in. This is because it has not been in the interest of Greece or the IMF and the other creditors to pull the rug.

The impression the authoritie­s want to send out to markets is that the sides are close and eventually, whatever the difference­s between Berlin and Paris, a deal will be done.

For investors that might calm nerves. But it also raises the possibilit­y of an accident, especially when the parties have been involved in a dialogue of the deaf.

Clearly, the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras thinks that by removing the clownish finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, he will have closed down a major irritation to the eurogroup.

But it is the substance of what Tsipras offers, not who his finance minister is, that will decide if Greece is going to be allowed off the hook.

All the time this charade of endless meetings and passing deadlines is played out, the conditions inside Greece worsen.

The Greek banking system is shut, there is very little hope of opening and this time around (unlike five years ago when the crisis began) there are no military planes laden with cash arriving from Frankfurt.

The Greek central bank could resolve this issue by allowing the banks to issue ‘IOUs’ to customers, which would essentiall­y be a parallel currency. It could be argued that all that will do is speed the journey towards devaluatio­n, ending the love affair with the euro.

As the JP Morgan chart on these pages shows, when a currency peg is abandoned the effective devaluatio­n can be enormous – 75pc in the case of the Russian rouble against the US dollar, after a year, and 70pc in the case of the Argentine peso.

The old ‘euros under the beds’ of the Greek people might still be worth the same, but the IOUs or replacemen­t drachma would be horribly devalued.

There are other fissures. The four big Greek banks are being kept afloat on a wing and prayer. They lack liquidity and are effectivel­y insolvent. The choices facing banking are a further rescue by the ECB through its lender of last resort facility, a haircut or bail-in for depositors as in Cyprus, or nationalis­ation. Or there might be a combinatio­n of all three.

We could not be certain that the banking implosion would be confined to Greece. Across Europe, especially in Italy, there are banks also needing new capital. It is possible the firewall, the European Stability Mechanism, could be used to recapitali­se the banks in Greece, Italy and elsewhere. Again, however, there would be resistance from the German taxpayer.

WHAT has been ignored is the long-term damage to the Greek economy. The loss of credit insurance means imports are grinding to a halt, and some shops and businesses will have to shutter up.

The only comforting thought is that Greece does have a strong agricultur­al sector, supplying everything from fresh produce to olives and lamb, so food should remain available irrespecti­ve of what the eventual political and economic settlement turns out to be.

The prepondera­nce of young voters partying in Syntagma Square on Sunday night after the ‘No’ vote tells its own poignant story.

The jobless rate among Greek youth hovers around 50pc marking a grim testimony to the policies imposed by the Troika of the eurogroup, the ECB and the IMF. The banks are insolvent, businesses are failing and the hopes and aspiration­s of the young have been smashed.

There is a theory that this is what the Left-wing Syriza government wants so that its backers, among them some non-tax paying oligarchs, can seize control of vital businesses and make new fortunes. That would be truly catastroph­ic.

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