Daily Mail

Time for pain to back off!


MOST of us can’t wait for our summer holiday. But if you are looking forward to an active getaway, the last thing you need is a twingeing, aching back to spoil your fun.

Lower backache can make driving, travelling, lifting cases and being active with the family that bit more difficult, taking the edge off the fun.

So if the time’s approachin­g when you’ll be off on your travels, it’s a good idea to address any lower back pain now.

Find relief before you go and then enjoy those walking excursions and adventurou­s activities with less likelihood of debilitati­ng twinges.

Anyone who has a niggling injury will probably have bought a drawer full of sprays, creams and gels, as well as paying out for chiropract­ors, massages, heat pads and pills.

But one solution they may not have tried is a new device that replicates the kind of passive motion often experience­d in a treatment room when having a massage to free up the lower back.

Shown to bring lasting results, this natural approach to lower back pain gently and rhythmical­ly moves the area in a continuous circular motion. Used for just ten minutes a day at home, it provides a soothing and massaging effect that allows tight back muscles to gently relax, and releases pressure between the vertebrae.

This helps to avoid the chronic problems that can come with prolonged immobilisa­tion, while reducing discomfort and inflammati­on and promoting the healing and regenerati­on of cartilage.

The device is simple to operate, easy to store and can be used on the floor, bed or sofa. It’s very portable, so you can even take it with you in the car when you travel to your holiday bolthole.

Keeping active with gentle walking or swimming, will help to ease any nagging pains during your week or two away.

With your portable device to hand to ease any twinges, you should have a very happy, pain-free holiday!

 ??  ?? Don’t let back ache spoil summer fun: Relieve it with a portable device
Don’t let back ache spoil summer fun: Relieve it with a portable device

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