Daily Mail

Women who endure ‘that time of the month’ EVERY day

- By Jill Foster

NO WOMAN would describe her monthly period as something to look forward to. For most, the whole unpleasant episode is mercifully over within a few days, and passes with just a little fuss and discomfort.

For an extremely unfortunat­e minority, however, the menstrual cycle is a constant problem — quite literally. They bleed not for three, four or five days but for weeks at a time, making every day the time of the month.

It can leave some socially isolated, their sex lives in ruins — not to mention anaemic. what’s more, in many cases the medical establishm­ent struggles to diagnose a specific problem, leaving them with no option but to resort to a hysterecto­my to end their suffering.

ailsa Frank, a 48-year- old self-help author and hypnothera­pist is one such woman. ailsa — married to assaf, 43, a photograph­er, and who lives in Camberley, Surrey — has contended with constant bleeding for more than 20 years.

‘Sometimes I’d bleed for weeks on end and it would be so severe that it wasn’t a case of using a sanitary pad or a tampon, I’d have to sit on the loo for hours.

‘One time, my husband and I were in a hotel getting ready for a wedding when the bleeding became so bad that I couldn’t leave the bathroom and my family and friends were asking me to hurry up. my husband kept saying that I was busy doing my makeup, but eventually I had to tell them to go without me.

‘The situation made working difficult, too. I was a food stylist and was required to go all over London for photoshoot­s. I’d be wearing a tampon, the biggest sanitary pad, plus incontinen­ce knickers and sometimes even a pad on the outside of my underwear. It was uncomforta­ble and I’d live in fear of having an “accident”. It was really stressful.’

DRPeneLOPe Law, consultant obstetrici­an and gynaecolog­ist at the Portland Hospital, London says many women will have episodes of this type of bleeding at one time in their lives but that continual bleeding always needs to be investigat­ed.

‘Initially, it’s important to ascertain where the bleeding is coming from — it could be the cervix and due to inflammati­on or infection and, rarely, cancer. Or it could be coming from your womb lining — the endometriu­m — either due to imbalances between oestrogen and progestero­ne or because there is a small polyp or fibroid indenting the womb cavity and preventing the normal process of blood vessel contractio­n that happens at the end of your period.

‘There are several options which are offered when the bleeding persists after other causes have been excluded. Probably the most common one is the mirena — a small plastic tube which sits inside the cervix inside the womb and releases hormones to make the uterine lining thin. a thin lining does not bleed so much and this effect can last for five years, although it can take six months to regulate and in that time the bleeding could be even more erratic.’

But many women endure years of GP visits or hospital tests with no real diagnosis — the blame shifted to hormones, bad luck or something they will grow out of. In fact, for ailsa, who has a grown-up daughter, it took more than 20 years of suffering before she eventually gave in and had a hysterecto­my, at the age of just 42.

She’d begun her periods when she was 13, and had problems from the start. ‘Sometimes, they went on for 21 days. I suffered a lot of pain, bad cramps and sometimes migraines which would leave me in bed for days,’ she says.

‘I did nine hours of ballet classes a week and having such long periods would make this difficult. The problem was annoying but every time I visited the GP from the ages of 13 to 16, he said I would grow out of it. By 16, the problem was worse. I’d take painkiller­s and use hot water bottles for the cramps but I wanted a solution.

‘The GP put me on the Pill and although I had to try several brands before I got it right, it stopped the bleeding and the migraines became less regular.’

However, by 24, she was married and had come off the Pill in order to conceive her daughter

‘I bled quite badly in the days after the birth and it didn’t stop,’ she says. ‘By the time I got to 12 weeks I was bleeding constantly, I asked my GP if this was normal and he said no. I went back on the Pill but my periods became sporadic and heavy and not only that, but my health went downhill and I was suffering dreadful fatigue.

‘I saw a gynaecolog­ist privately who said I had an oestrogen deficiency caused by premenstru­al syndrome. my oestrogen levels were low, my progestero­ne levels were high and my hormones were imbalanced. The gynaecolog­ist gave me HRT patches, like the ones given out to menopausal women. These helped my fatigue. I was 27 and he’d suggested a hysterecto­my but I was too young to contemplat­e it.

‘Thanks to the HRT, I had to take another Pill once a month to actually give me a period, but when I did, the pain and the bleeding were so severe that I had to plan taking the tablet on a weekend when I wasn’t going anywhere.

‘By 35, I couldn’t take it any more and stopped. It meant that I’d bleed for weeks on end. The doctors gave me clotting drugs to stop the bleeding but they made no difference. It was so stressful.’

FULL-TIME mother- offour Kelly Hockings can sympathise. The 33-yearold from north London also suffered constant bleeding for over a decade after the birth of her first son, Terry, when she was 20.

‘after eight weeks it still hadn’t stopped so I went to my GP,’ she says. ‘He told me to give it another couple of weeks but by this point I was changing my towel ten times a day. when my son was five months old, I still hadn’t stopped bleeding so I went for a laparoscop­y and was told I had polycystic ovaries and endometrio­sis.

‘The doctors suggested I try the contracept­ive depo provera injection, which would either stop my periods or make them lighter. I was injected every 12 weeks but the bleeding continued. I was lucky to get two days clear every month.

‘I couldn’t take my baby out too far because I was scared of “accidents”. I was using ten big night-time pads a day and was suffering from bad cramps and headaches. I went back to my GP, who referred me for another laparoscop­y but this time they couldn’t see any problems.

‘my husband will and I knew we wanted a third baby but trying to figure out when I was fertile was impossible. when you’re bleeding so much, it doesn’t exactly put you in the mood. It took about a year to get pregnant and, after that birth, the problem was worse than ever.’

LOTTIEmOOr­e, a 45year-old self-employed life coach from Thame, Oxfordshir­e, has struggled with constant bleeding since her mid-teens. ‘I was 14 when my periods started and they were normal for a while. But by the time I was 17, I was pretty much bleeding heavily all the time,’ she says.

‘I became anaemic and was so tired I couldn’t concentrat­e. I went to my GP, who was dismissive. They did some blood tests but they came back clear and the GP said it must just be my teenage hormones. By 19, the problem had become so bad that I knew something wasn’t right.

‘I had a boyfriend and, of course, my sex life was affected.’

Over the years, Lottie — who has one 15-year-old daughter, maddy — had several blood tests, scans and three procedures to remove tissue from the inside of her uterus. She tried several brands of Pill and the depo provera injection, which helped but she felt frustrated.

‘It knocked my confidence. I felt constantly grubby, faint and drained. It impacted on my life — I couldn’t do things like swimming and always had to carry sanitary products. I’ve now been fitted with the mirena and that has worked. I still have hormone swings as a result, I’m moody and irritated more than I am when I’m not on contracept­ives, but at least it’s controlled the bleeding.’

But for ailsa and Kelly, a more dramatic cure was required. while ailsa had a hysterecto­my at 42, bringing on her menopause a decade early, Kelly had one at the relatively young age of 31.

Kelly says: ‘as soon as they gave me the full hysterecto­my, the bleeding stopped. But I went into full menopause. It’s been worth it as I am able to do more things and I don’t have the constant worry.

‘at first, I felt I was less of a woman but my husband will was very reassuring. If anything, it’s improved our relationsh­ip as the stress that came with the bleeding has gone. I went to the same GP for ten years and it was only when I went to a new doctor that the subject of hysterecto­my came up.

‘ That’s when my problem was sorted. It has improved my life considerab­ly.’

Cut the C**p And Feel Amazing by Ailsa Frank (£14, ailsafrank.com).

 ??  ?? Drastic: Kelly Hockings (left) and Ailsa Frank had hysterecto­mies when they were aged 31 and 42
Drastic: Kelly Hockings (left) and Ailsa Frank had hysterecto­mies when they were aged 31 and 42

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