Daily Mail

I was a knit-wit in my Mini adventure


BACK in the Sixties, I received a new company car — a blue Mini. That same night, I took my wife to see her friend in this new car, 13 miles away. Later, I parked at a local public house to meet my friends for a couple of shandies. Towards the end of the night, I left my friends in the pub and collected my wife. On the journey home, my wife accused me of being out with another woman. I was shocked and asked: ‘What makes you say that? She told me there was some knitting in the glove compartmen­t which was not there before. I jokingly said that if I had been out with another woman, she would not have brought her knitting with her! The following 13 miles home were very quiet. When we arrived at our house there was a police car waiting for us. An officer tapped on the window and asked me for the registrati­on number of the Mini. I said that I couldn’t remember as it was the first day I’d had the vehicle. The policeman then informed me it was a stolen vehicle. My wife was crying and my father was at the house telling the police that his son was honest and would not steal a car. I then began to wonder if this car was stolen when my employer bought it. However, after everyone had calmed down, the police explained that my company car was still at the pub. They had found out where I lived as the owner of the identical blue Mini worked at the tax office and was able to find out who the owner of the car was. My employer had then confirmed I was the driver and given the police my address. As I was insured to drive any car, the police let me drive this vehicle and swap with the owner, who could not get into my car. I was invited back to his house just up the road for a cup of tea and much laughter, as he realised what an easy mistake I had made — the cars were virtually identical, and back in those days ignition keys sometimes worked in more than one car. I eventually arrived back home in the correct car — without any knitting in the glove compartmen­t!

Dennis Rutter, Hereford.

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